on friday night. my waiters name was boxer. on saturday night. it was tony. both wore black pants. both wore black shirt. boxer had a white tie. tony had no tie. boxer had suspenders and a gassoo beret hat. he should have started rapping when he asked us what we wanted to drink. tony looked greasier but definitely had better taste in the women he booked for us. i was happy with both. i loved crown royal. i loved the fruit anjoo. i loved how i had to take a picture of the fruit plate just to show ed shin. i told him to change his name to boxer. he said no. im robocop.
le cercle is a warehouse. no talent. but booking is still fun! hahah. VR. wow. it was refreshing. bringing back the late 90s of short skirts and low cut tops. fake lashes and lots of hairspray. the effort makes a difference. same with the boooddaayy. why doesn't this exist in ny? 4th time in LA this year...and i might actually start liking it! haha. but why are there so many chinese people at VR? when u're cousin's an ex party promoter....u kind of just book ur own girls. bookity book book book. and no....the girls above are not booked. they're our buddies. =)
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