falling fertility

airports used to be quite exciting. the ride to the airport. checking in. shopping at the terminal. boarding. getting plane food. watching movies. etc. that was asia travel. today. it's US travel. it sucks. its dreadful. airports smell. airports are rowdy. there is no service. and everything just looks like a hassle. and that's not even including the extra fees incurred for everything! no movies. tighter seats. fatter crowd. no food. one drink. and delays delays delays. layovers that seem like u're going to miss flights. or a layover that u're going to miss from being on a delayed flight. grrreeaat. i waited at charlotte for 3 hours. felt a bit like dejavu strolling through the terminals and ended up with 3 magazines. my usual plane reading. wired, gq, and the economist. some interesting tidbits.

1. 2 of my magazines had babies as their covers. is that a sign? or was it just a coincidence that chomo was bbm-ing me at the same time
2. inertia is quite the interesting force when describing a macro view of humanity. in this case falling fertility.
3. optogenetics...is cool.
4. "in minerva, park discovered the power of a pseudonym. without it no one would have listened"
5. no more imac24. macbook pro 13 with a led apple 24.
6. "the goldilocks moment"
7. funny how the entire magazine points to an economic recovery...but this mornings unemployment data jumps to 10.2%! haha.
8. i am in my own personal third wave of coffee!


Anonymous said...

pass by ~^^