bloated...tired and hungover...oh the beautiful equilibrium between work and play (drinkfests)...slumber shall be the eternal martyr....another night of dice...another night of kings...and again...I AM THE ETERNAL LOSER>...bad karma?bad chi?...that shit doesn't come around on an "always" basis...its a flow..a cycle...a rotation...NOT ME ALL THE TIME>...

had tickets to tuesday and last nights yanks a's game and missed both...big time..dUH!

here's something that i wonder....



to create an alterego - cyber world....people spend time on perfecting that alternate identity...the name...the screen name...why spend soo much time on it..why not just use your real name...or something close to it..initials and are who you are....but people wnat to re create themselves as their own ideal image....and hide behind cyberspace...then...everyone's intelligence is judged on their "created character" because if they weren't clever enough to re-create themselves...they must be a dumb dumb...which is why i read all these xanga entries..and poeple are trying to type bigger than necessary....but the words dont make sense....or are just completely misspelled...

then again...maybe i do that..

or then again....

just leave people alone and let them write just to write.




i want to thank everyone who supported me in my cancer dog walk...we've met our goal of $1000 (it seemed a bit high at first) in just 2 weeks!...i want everyone to know that i appreciate you guys helping out a good cause...CANCER (which everyone is prone to)...and also for supporting  something that i am participating in...

i do realize that charity is not for everyone..and the idea of "giving away money" isn't so appealing..and the results of the pledges are unseen...but to just swallow a little $$ setback and support something for the greater sure your good deed will come back to you twofold - karma baby! my case...i hope i dont lose any more drinking games... 

the walk is this sunday...may 2nd at 9am.  we will be entering some contests

  • Dog/Owner Look-Alike
  • Best Costume
  • Doggie Karaoke
  • Trick for Treat
  • Sit, Speak & Fetch

  • and taking some pictures....which we will send out to all people that sponsored us...

    here's the link again for more information:


    jampong says thank you =)


    ps...for those of you who have no thoughts on my previous post on healtcare...GO READ UP ON IT....i want to post on the election i want to people to reply with some that age and point of career and of course tax bracket...where my views are shifting...all of a sudden...a selfish political agenda doesn't seem too shabby.


    **update on the mc bill....**  : starbucks is costing me $50 bucks over a 2 week trying to cut down coffee consumption by adding the "extra shot" but by coworkers make a run for me....doh!

    apparently the starbucks coffee maker also converses over how well he makes his toffee nut lattes and adds extra whipped cream just for me...LOVELY!

    it just seems as if i'm not going to get sleep this week....but i'd feel ashamed of myself if i didn't head out esp when both frank and larry were out....


    darwin's theory of natural selection:

    due to huge advances in the field of medecine and its supporting sciences and technology, evolution by natural selection can no longer be applied by natural human is this same system of modern medecine that has become its own natural itself weeds out the weak and favors the genetically priveledged. 


    1.  in the insurance is a complex system which intends to protect people for those unplanned costly genetic testing allows us to research and prevent illness, it also creates an increased premium for the patient...although genetic tests give no guarantee regardless of the result,  there are no laws to prevent "genetic discrimination"....hence, those with the bad genes...lose out....

    2. with the US as one of the leading countries for drug development, american biotech companies and all scientists should feel a fuel to research and cure all who need it....unfortunately...with the fda/politicians/and non-scientific ceo's at the helm of these labs, these pharmaceutical giants strive only to cure the most common (hence most financially beneficial) sickness.  Those who have rare conditions do not have people helping them find a cure....ever....



    2 nights in a row...ears are still ringing...f'ing work has been exhausting...but i will never give up an opportunity to hang out or have fun...who cares about being tired...i'll be tired when i give up...until now...i'll give up the sleep...hurt till the weekends (which doesn't help recover that much anyways)...and wait for that 2nd wind...the MULTIPLE 2nd winds...actually had my first setback last saturday...waiting for that 2nd wind to come around at pioneer...but it nevercame...instead...all i got was a spaced out feeling....bloody nose....and the need for food...*snore*

    moving on....wednesday night....auricular haven at irving....and yes clara...switchfoot is THAT good live...sober rock band...a conscious decision to rock and be like rock stars (air guitar and the whole nine)....not to mention they said the line "u ready for some rock n roll?"....

    and thursday night....emotional trauma at the garden....D-FENCE!!....D-FENSE....D-FENCE!!......knicks are killing me....just might have to forfeit my tickets to sunday's game....knicks look hapless and old...can't run with a young energertic team like the nets....kidd pushes the ball up the court everytime and he's got kmart and r.jefferson on the wings waiting for the OOOp.....starbury pushes the ball up the court and he's got shanon anderson a step behind....penny 2 steps behind on the wings....and deke/nazr/baker whatever fogey it is...still in the back court stumbling along....which brings me to the sad fact that i haven't been to a knicks game where they've won...EVER!....(might also be that i didnt start seeing them live until the POST-EWING era)....but i mean..come on!....first starbury game at msg...rockets went on a 20-2 run to start off the game....last year...i saw iverson beat a chronically depleted knicks team....defense used to be the name of the game to make up for the scoring challenged 'bockers...but its just wretched on both sides of the court.....BLEGH~.

    off again to work on that starbucks mc bill...


    **if i can get out of party still on**


    **edit**...back from coffee run....

    it seems as though i have a natural affinity towards male food-service people...a few months ago...i posted about the indian salad tosser asking me to go shopping with him...or to go buy him the same sweater i was wearing that day....and as for starbucks...2 days ago...i order a caramel machiatto...

    the guy making it says to me "before you leave you have to taste it...."


    "cuz i make it gooood..."

    yea...its no big deal...walk out and move on...

    so yesterday and this morning....everytime i walk in...he sees me..he'll smile...not the..HI HOW ARE YOU SMILE...the smile/grin from afar..."hey hey" smile...oh coffee just got bitter.


    have a nice day.


    as the event is still fresh in my head...i gotta post about it...gotta get this stuff out before im second guessing myself as to why all of you want to read my blogs....

    SWITCHFOOT ROCKS!! goodness...they try decently hard to bring back rock n' roll to what has left the mainstream in the past decade...jumping off speakers, picking with your teeth, swinging the guitar around erratically and just was kind of a different feeling walking into irving plaza knowing (finding out quite recently) that i was going to see a christian rock association - SOBER - and thats exactly what they were...a sober face...pleasant, live, loud, coordinated, neat and practiced.  The 5 members all had the same neck length 'haircuts' with the bangs that cover the eyes and in certain songs the 2 guitarists aside the lead singer would strum their guitars in a choreographed swoop at big much of a show as rock bands can produce (besides the portrayal of sheer musical talent)...again the word SOBER comes to mind (reminds me of matchbox 20 - are they christian too?)....

    christian bands bring christian crowds...NO body surfing...(teens go rowdy during dashboard whines and not this??) and at one point...this dorky stereotypical churchy dude was standing next to me quasi hand waving which made me laugh because it seemed as though his body had never gone through the motions of waving throughout a it was more of a standing frolic and body wave as he attempted to follow the beat....

    this irving plaza trip...was of course contrasted further becuase the last time i was there...i saw catpower...a depressed drugged up band that showed up LATE AS HELL.....and just kind of went through the motions....but those are her shows....appreciated her live performance much more after my feet weren't hurting soo much anymore.  but standing room for a rock performance is a bit different...u're standing there wanting to move and jump and ROCK WITH THE ROCK BAND....

    argh..kind of lost the stream of thought...

    quote from the night  from lead singer (wahtever his name is) "i've noticed that on this cameras and cell phones have become the lighters for those cowboy songs"....and of course as he plays 24....those electronic devices come out....BLAH!....seeing a misty hue of blue neon compares NOTHING to bold gold flame.

    inspiration - inspired....gotta go home and practice more.  one man and his guitar....i think im gonna buy the album.....GOT ANOTHER T SHIRT!  I'm in concert mode again (after a dissappointing saves the day)...and ready for the summer...woot woot!

    opening acts....-copeland...great band too..but can't even remember much of them cuz switchfoot just stole the show...will post the set list when they go online.

    ears are still ringing - slow morning but gotta keep the energy up...KNICKS BABY.




    i feel like shit

    i look like shit

    today is shit....


    i never use my mastercard....but this using it exclusively at starbucks (minus one carwash cuz they didnt take amex)...just to see how much im spending a month on coffee at that damn place....i think i've had 2 everyday for 2 weeks....


    lots more to ramble about when i have some more time:

    - strength of labor unions and its application to professional sports (specifically the nfl draft), government workers and those non-unionized workers and its correlation to cheap immigrant labor.

    - that leads me to want to post something on "US outsourcing"....


    switchfoot tonight =)

    conversation with a co-worker....

    the saudi's that work in the citigroup office in saudi arabia never really work hard...and they pretty much work just to go through the motions..whereas all the international workers...are the ones staying late and do most of the work (americans, indians etc...)....this is because that in countries like is huge families of power that control the entire country...these families have a stranglehold on the direction and wealth distribution of the country...the educated and rich who have jobs....only work as a formality...whereas the not to get rich..but to survive.....

    we were talking about how the wealth of the middle east is there to help develop such run down desert countries...but because the wealth(oil) is there..and it is controlled by the upper echelon...what reason do they have to disperse it? develop it?...this type of movement to develop a capitalistic state...or even simpler than that...a more aggressive and developed economical the exact thing needed to build a nation and a strong citizen in the middle east...

    leading to the point as to why these huge arab nations (ie egypt) do not take a stand for the state of palestine...take it under its wing..and really push it aggressive about its peoples...and a huge reason is again because of $$...developing this strong people's will cause distribution of their own wealth...which these families in power will not do....

    bin-laden is an undeniably smart man...a man who defends his views in an unjustified manner...but nonetheless...he fights for his people from an understandable victimized-palenstine-nation position...somethings just got to be done about the nation of palestine...

    but its soo hard...its like building a house...u fuck up the foundation...and its just a bitch to go back and renovate it....

    another thing is that...these arab countries do not have any incentive to step up and take charge of a palestinian regime...a lot of these arab countries are headed by bougie families and it is strived to be kept like that forever...all the money heads towards the family while the masses are led to rot in poverty...the countries there are rich due to oil reserves...but because the money is there..what reason do they have to develop the country?...why make other people rich?

    someone mentioned to me "how come none of those iraqi council people step up and just take charge of the situation...they need to find that true leader"...why would anyone want to take that position...or step up at this step up now...means taking orders from an imperial country...the resistance in iraq makes you realize that maybe americans have pushed this thing too far...even if the people there did not like sadaam..waht would make them prefer foreign soldiers taking over their home turf...regulating them and telling their political leaders what to do and how to run the country.....

    $$$$in the end...its all about money....

    soo many things going on in my head...thing is...if you asked me...i couldn't even tell you what it is...all i know is that i wake up with a feeling of urgency and go to sleep in a semi fatigued-panic....

    dad's away in i've been keeping the car in the city...even with monthly parking...having a car in the city is true terror...though the perks of spontaneous roadtrips and expansion of weekend options are awesome!...

    heading to my first wedding tonight....not first wedding i've ever been to...but its the first of all my friends...big step...big happy for them...and very anxious to be there for them for this beautiful event...

    after deleted kazaa and winmx from my computer a couple of months ago...(after a downloading fine scare...and then more so because of the crap results and extraneous BS kazaa comes with....)  i couldn't take it anymore, this past weekend...hit up winmx again...and went on a dLing frenzy...catching up on not only the latest radio hits...but also albums i've been meaning to hear...(damien rice is depressing as helll)

    through friends (namely dora), boredom at work, and moreover the need to constantly plan for things to do in the future...i've become a semi-ticketmaster...knicks first round home 1&2/switchfoot/yankees a's/incubus/sarah m/chappelle/prince/chingy-aguilera...might not be able to head to all of will let y'all know if they become available...

    europe may 12-21st...dates are set....destinations are set....flying into paris and leaving from rome...ton of places inbtwn...i've just kind of neglected to read the emails...

    ...because..."contrary to popular belief"...i've been doing a lot of work for project goes live in 2 weeks...and everyone in the office is in a constant panic attack...overtime is good.

    i wake up most mornings with a feeling of dry heaving...sometimes i'll get it when there's huge lapse time (ie..sitting on a long train ride)...i might attribute that to a "racing mind"...just always thinking about everything...but in the end...not thinking about anything...or is it that im in denial about everything that is on my mind?....those times on the train is when i'll bust out that journal and start plugging away at those cliched entries...(shaky train/flickering lights/headphones....long ride home) this jittery it one huge free for tangent?...a stream of incoherent consciousness? just makes me feel unfullfilled....somethings missing...not doing enough..not achieving enough...(oddly...i still feel as though i do push myself at anything i consciously set out to do...maybe its time to recognize those things that i don't consciously do and attack them...but how do you recognize...)

    its time to make a decision....i've gotten into 3 schools...quite lucky i must say...but at the same time...its time for me take a stand and make the next step...i'll let ya'll know.

    alvin - not a post dedicated to you....but at the same the text erraticaly pours on the page...the go part of "stop and go writing" is only pushed forward by teh voice of you in my head...(just let that stuff out and share your own writing)...a post/blog to the world is quite pretentious...but then again...if its ur friends reading it shouldn't matter...its not my friends reading...its mostly acquaintences reading.....oh wellz..

    as a non coffee drinker...i've consumed 4 coffees in 2 days and this coffee breath is killing me...gawd...mints/gum...they just dont help that crap feeling coffee leaves on your for starbucks coffee...sweet as hell...probably the only way i could drink the bitter juice....rank: caramel machiatto/toffe nut latte/vanilla latte...

    speaking of sweet coffee and extra calories because of it....i am still taking class and hitting crunch about 5x a week....if i take a at 45 min of cardio plus weights....if no class...about 20 min on the treadmill/stairmaster...and im still 200lbs...original plan was to slim down for summer...but now its just to shed off that water weight so i feel slim in a suit...maybe i'll starve myself for the rest of the day....yes im that superficial

    is the case for blog-addiction the loss for another form of communication?...typing to a live response...what i type here...should be going to specific readers...but i've lost email buddies...COME BACK...*ehem*

    its gonna be an antsy day...lets go biotechs and pharmeceuticals...looking to make some big money....its april....lets make another spring-summer push...if things go like they did last year...u'll be seeing me drunk a few times a week at 11am.....wonderful =)....

    because of the wedding...jam pong is staying at esther's place for 2 nights...and as insensitive and unemotional as i've been called...i really just could not let go when i dropped him off....being a product of an overprotective and sheltering mom....that is what i've become...worrywarting of low possibility occurrences on the way home...jeezus....pride and joy goes into this ball of fluff who ironically isn't even my dog....but i love him shame in outright expression of love for this particular spoiled brat....

    with that said....

    sponsor me in my dog walk...

    do it for cancer...not for me.

    hey guys...

    Annie and I are  walking Jam Pong in the ACS - DOGWALK AGAINST CANCER...MAY 2nd.

    SPONSOR US!! all donations are 100% tax deductable!!

    here's the link for more info and how to donate$$


    Destructive things with no guilt
    By Bill Simmons
    Page 2

    "Subject: Vegas?"

    It was time.

    We started exchanging "Vegas?" e-mails last November: Bish, Hopper, Mikey, Butz, Gallo and me. Just the six of us. The core group. Everyone else has been whittled away -- we're like the remaining troops at the end of "Saving Private Ryan." We even recount fond stories about the dead soldiers, the ones who stopped coming years ago, the ones we don't even think to ask anymore. If only Vegas had mock graveyards for them.

    When you reach your 30s, your "Swingers" days are behind you.
    Back in the glory years, when we were single and barely employed, Vegas trips came together in four weeks. Now we spend months negotiating a weekend, eventually settling on a date for the lamest of reasons. This time around, we chose the last weekend of March because Bish's wife had a girls weekend and was bringing their new baby along. That meant he was available for three days, but only THAT weekend. You won't exactly see this scenario leading off the festivities in "Swingers 2."

    But at least that kicked us into motion. And I don't care how old you get ... there isn't a better internet moment then receiving that first e-mail with "Vegas?" in the subject heading. It's right up there with "Calvin Murphy had 14 kids?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" and "Paris Hilton MPEG -- not safe for work!" Puts a hop in your step for the rest of the day.

    For me, it isn't even about Vegas as much anymore. When you hit your 30s, your friends settle in different cities, get hitched, pump out a kid, start working 50-to-60 hours a week ... you look up one day and realize you haven't seen three of your closest buddies in 15 months. Vegas becomes the great equalizer. There's always that first glorious stretch with everyone sitting at the same blackjack table, throwing down drinks, cracking worn-out jokes and busting chops, when you realize that nothing has changed. Thank God.

    This isn't to pretend that Vegas is perfect. Once upon a time, those first two March Madness weekends were like "Fight Club" -- only a fortunate few knew about them, and we weren't too anxious to spread the word. Now the secret is out. Everyone knows. Everyone goes. You have a better chance of seeing a clock in a casino than getting a seat at a sports book. Some casinos even double their room rates for those weekends.

    And that's the danger with Vegas: If everyone loves Vegas, and everyone goes there ... well, what's fun about that?

    The other problem is less serious and infinitely more annoying: Those "Whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" ads, maybe the biggest head-scratcher in advertising history. Why would anyone ever inflict that much needless tension on their demographic? Were they appealing to adulterers? Druggies? Strip joint stalkers? Snuff film producers? Were we supposed to think to ourselves, "You know, I wasn't gonna go, but I didn't realize I could do morally destructive things with no repercussions -- book me a plane ticket!"

    And don't get me started on the ramifications of these ads with wives and girlfriends across the country, many of whom were already insane to begin with. For instance, right as I was leaving for my latest trip -- staying at the Hard Rock this time, on the way to the airport, plane ticket in my hands -- the Sports Gal smiled and told me, "And don't think I don't know that the Paradise (a strip club) is right across the street from the Hard Rock."

    She slipped that sucker in like a Tommy Hearns right cross. And while I was hemming and hawing, she followed with this uppercut:

    Vegas strip
    What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Until you do a national ad campaign about it.
    "Hey, whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, right?"

    Great ad campaign. Thanks, guys.

    Here's the point: You can't stereotype Vegas with a slogan, especially a misleading one. The little nuances make Vegas special. Like climbing into a cab and having the driver tell you, "They call me the Catwoman." Gambling at a $15 table, looking up and seeing a random celeb like Cobi Jones walking by. Wincing as your friend says, "I just banged the UConn women," then realizing he was talking about a sports wager. Hearing the roars from a sports book that's been split in half -- one side for Oklahoma State, the other for St. Joe's, with the lead changing on every basket.

    Best of all, there are days like Saturday, March 27, 2004.

    Without further ado ...

    Saturday morning, 9:45 a.m.
    We're coming off a late-night gambling binge at the Hard Rock, one of those scary nights where you wake up in the same clothes -- on top of the covers, spooning the "Late Night Food" menu, reeking of cigarettes and spilled beer, praying your wallet is sitting on the nightstand.

    Maybe you've been there. Your tongue feels like a piece of dry steak. You can see your breath. Your complimentary $7 bottled water has been mysteriously polished off; and you don't know whether to blame your roommate or yourself. You blink a few times to make sure your contacts aren't still in your eyes, then you say another prayer that they made it into their case.

    That's me. All of it.

    Now Bish and I are laying in our respective beds, searching for a stray SportsCenter on TV. Back in the days of four-to-a-room, Bish and I mastered the art of "sleeping in the same bed without touching one another." These days, we can afford our own beds. Trust me, it's a big thing.

    Planes, Trains and Automobiles
    You only need to see "Planes, Trains and Automobiles" once to know the value of "personal space" while sleeping.
    "You make any money last night?" Bish asks.

    "I dunno. I don't think so."

    Curious, I reach into my front jeans pocket ... and pull out four $100 chips. Good times. I started out with $300. This much I remember.

    "Somehow I made a hundred bucks," I tell Bish.

    He makes the DeNiro Face, turning his mouth upside down, nodding up and down, mildy impressed.

    "Vegas," he says.

    "Vegas," I reply.

    Saturday morning, 11:30 a.m.
    On the Unintentional Comedy Scale, few things can top Saturday morning breakfasts in Vegas -- just tables and tables of hungover guys looking like holy hell, throwing down food and telling inane gambling stories from the previous night. If the "World Series of Poker" can be televised, then this should be its own show -- "Breakfasts In Vegas" -- with waitresses wearing HelmetCams, sideline reporters and everything else. Like you wouldn't watch.

    As we recapped Friday night's events, we realized that everything -- and by "everything," I mean "the debilitating drunkenness" -- was Hopper's fault. He kept ordering a made-up drink called the "Diver Down" (Corona topped off with a shot of Bacardi Limon). We all followed suit, and that damned drink became the main reason we could barely remember our 10:15 p.m. dinner at A.J.'s Steakhouse.

    Why eat dinner so late? Because they wouldn't seat us right away, thanks to Geoff, who was wearing a Vikings t-shirt with khaki shorts. This is one of the rules of Vegas -- at any and all times, someone in your group should remain under-dressed to cut your options in half. Geoff has been filling this role beautifully for more than a decade, consistently dressing like a tourist from Eastern Europe.

    Harrison Ford
    The Sports Guy's buddy Hopper was last seen looking for a blackjack table and a one-armed killer.
    Upon further review, the whole night was a debacle; everyone lost money but me ... and I was in the roughest shape. Two Red Bull and Vodkas = fine. Four Red Bull and Vodkas = not fine. Four Red Bull and Vodkas, multiple Diver Downs and a half-pack of cigarettes = genuinely unhappy, possibly life-threatening. My heart was pounding all night. Terrible times. I was an extra 100 pounds and one hooker away from re-enacting the last 15 minutes of Chris Farley's "E! True Hollywood Story."

    "Here's my game plan for today," I announce. "A few Bloody Marys early. Maybe a mixed drink or two. And then beer for the rest of the night. No Red Bull, no Diver Downs, and DEFINITELY no cigarettes."

    Hopper stares me down. It's tough to take him seriously with his beard -- he looks like Harrison Ford at the beginning of "The Fugitive, to the point that we were screaming "You find that man!" at him for most of Friday night -- but it seems like he has something important to say. His eyes narrow.

    "You'll be smoking by two," he predicts. "Guaranteed."

    "Thanks for your confidence, Dr. Kimble," I tell him.

    Saturday afternoon, 12:30 p.m.
    We finish breakfast, make some ill-advised NCAA bets, grab two cabs and head to the Strip -- our annual tradition where we walk around and gamble in as many casinos as possible. It's a crucial time of the day. Build a nest egg here and you're playing with house money for the rest of the weekend. Take an early beating and you're the "Third Man In the Porn Scene" by nightfall. (I'll explain later.)

    As always, there are rules for Saturday gambling. These rules unfold over time, always from experience, almost like recipes in a cookbook. You gamble, you make mistakes, you learn. If you fail to obey the rules, in the words of Ivan Drago, you vill lose. And I've mentioned some of them before in this space, but they're worth mentioning again:

    1. Know exactly how much you're prepared to lose when you sit down. I mean, exactly. It's your "Worst-case Scenario" figure. You don't even have to tell anyone what it is.

    2. If you're getting killed at one casino, leave treadmarks and head to another.

    3. If you don't like the way other people are playing at the table, or if you're getting a bad vibe from the dealer, just find another table. It's that easy.

    4. Pace yourself. You know the old saying, "It's a marathon, not a sprint"? Well, Saturday gambling is like a triathlon. Just make sure you don't pull a Julie Moss.

    Our first stop: The Venetian. Happy place. Pleasant dealers. Very few automatic shuffling machines (the root of all evil in Vegas). And just as we arrive, they're opening up a group of four $15 tables, which means we have a table all to ourselves.

    There's only one catch ... they already have their bullpen of closers warming up.

    See, we like friendly dealers, people who interact with us and want us to win, people with a vested interest in keeping the right table happy. We tip these people and everything works out just dandy. But casinos don't like friendly dealers as much -- they want us to lose money. So they find dealers who barely speak English, deal cards at staggering paces, and are typically as friendly as a heart attack. If you're feeling courageous, you take them on ... and then you leave the batter's box 15 minutes later, muttering to yourself.

    We call them "closers." I mention this only because the Venetian has Mariano Rivera, Troy Percival, Keith Foulke and Billy Wagner warming up. There isn't a Heathcliff Slocumb to be seen.

    "What do we do?" Geoff asks. He's terrified.

    Heathcliff Slocumb
    Unfortunatelly, the Venetian didn't pick up Slocumb's option for the 2004 season.
    "Let's give it a whirl," Hopper suggests. "At least we'll all be at the same table."

    (Note: When "At least we'll all be at the same table" is the deciding reason to sit down at a blackjack table, this is NEVER a good sign.)

    We sit down at a $15 table with a female dealer from Hong Kong. We watch her shuffle six decks of cards as we order Bloody Marys. Life is good. And then the cards come ...

    And she deals herself blackjack on the first hand ...

    (Run! Run!)

    And she wins the first six hands ...

    (For God's sake, get the hell out of there!)

    And then the Venetian makes a pitching change -- inexplicable! -- as Mikey announces, "Wow, they're going lefty-righty on us." Our luck doesn't change. I'm sitting at 0-7-1 after eight hands. The righty-lefty combo haven't busted yet -- two 21s, three 20s, two 19s and a 17. It's like watching a combined no-hitter -- I keep waiting for Rollie Fingers and Blue Moon Odom to show up.

    On my last hurrah, I double down on "11" against her "6," then jump from my seat and walk away from the table. Everyone looks confused.

    "I'm stepping out of the batter's box on her," I explain.

    That gets a good laugh. Of course, she doesn't crack a smile. She ends up dealing me a seven. Eighteen.

    And if you don't know what happens next ... well, you've obviously never been to Vegas.

    Saturday afternoon, 1:45 p.m.
    We're fleeing the Venetian like it's on fire. It turned into a financial bloodbath of Chuck Wepner proportions. Everybody lost; two people even reached into the wallet for seconds. Now we're walking down the Strip to the Monte Carlo -- an old standby -- and trying to regroup. I'm down $200 for the day and feel like I just got run over by Halle Berry. At least until I notice the Siegfried and Roy billboard in front of the Mirage.

    You may remember this story: Back in the mid-'90s during a similar walk, I jokingly asked, "Are those guys gay?" and Bish replied, "Actually, I think they are."

    Siegfried and Roy
    Vegas just isn't Vegas without a solid foundation of gay magicians.
    He was dead serious. It may have been the greatest moment in Vegas history. Bish could be 95 and we would still remind him about it. And since that billboard was funny to begin with -- I mean, have you SEEN that thing? -- just seeing it always turns into one of the highlights of every Vegas trip. Never fails to make us laugh.

    Now we're making fun of Bish. Again. We aren't officially in Vegas until we see the Siegfred and Roy sign, as Bish stands there with a dumb smile saying, "Come on, let's hear it." It's tradition. We're refueled and ready to gamble again ... thanks to two gay magicians.

    (Sad note: Little did we know, it was our last glimpse of the billboard. Just three days later, the Mirage took it down for good. True story. I haven't felt this depressed since they knocked down the Boston Garden. Who knew that a simple billboard could mean so much?)

    Saturday afternoon, 2:45 p.m.
    As Hopper predicted, I'm already puffing on a cigarette. Just shoot me. The six of us are battling at different tables at the Monte Carlo, a place that always brought luck in the past. Not today. Everything feels wrong. After losing another $50 -- bringing me to minus-$250 for the day -- Geoff and I take one of those "killing time" strolls around the casino.

    And then we see it ...

    A "Rocky" slot machine.

    "Come on, we have to," Geoff says.

    Twist my arm. We put two dollars in. Every time we play a five-cent hand, the Rocky music starts. We can't buy a win. Suddenly we're down to our last few pulls. I'm reeling. Not even Rocky can get me going.

    "Should we put more money in?" I ask Geoff.

    He does his best Adrian impression: "You can't win!"

    "I never asked you to stop being a woman," I fire back. "Don't ask me to stop being a gambler."

    "You can't win!"

    And I couldn't. Two more dollars down the drain. Sadly, I couldn't climb into my Lamborghini and drive 100 miles an hour while shifting 40 times.

    There's no easy way out ...there's no shortcut home ...

    Rocky slot machine
    Apparently the Sports Guy didn't have the eye of the tiger.
    Saturday afternoon, 4:30 p.m.
    We limp back to the rejuvenated Hard Rock, a place that literally oozes Vegas: Jovial dealers, random celebrities, pounding music, those special moments when two bimbos strut back from the pool as even the dealers stare them down in disbelief. Did I mention the outdoor blackjack tables by the pool? Can you play blackjack surrounded by scantily-clad women and shirtless meatheads? It's like a science experiment.

    We stay inside. As our friends descend on the tables, Geoff and I break to monitor some hoop wagers. Within an hour, I'm down another $100 ($350 for the afternoon), one more blackjack beating from reaching my Worst-Case Scenario Limit for the day.

    Now I'm killing time and cheering my buddies, carefully observing the "No running commentaries if you're not playing," "Stay at least four feet away" and "Don't touch anyone's chair" rules. Ever see a porn scene when an actress works with multiple partners, and she ends up settling on two of them while the third guy basically stands next to the action and keeps busy, hoping for a call that never comes? And you have no idea why he's there in the first place?

    Well, that's me. I'm the proverbial "Third guy in the porn scene." And I'm watching the table catch fire. Two beefy, tattooed lookalikes are winning practically every hand. Hopper is cruising along, stacking banks of $100 chips like he's playing poker. Butz and Mikey are cleaning up. Only Bish seems to be treading water.

    Meanwhile, dealer Luis is cracking jokes, shelling out advice and having a grand old time. We keep glancing to the Hard Rock bullpen ... no action. It's inexplicable. The beefy guy on third base (Lumpy) keeps pulling off blackjacks and double downs every other hand. He isn't even reacting -- he's either hammered, brain-dead or in shock. Two of his friends stand behind him, holding Hard Rock shopping bags, waiting to head back to their casino. But Lumpy can't lose. Nobody can lose.

    Finally, Lumpy cashes in. At least three grand. Doesn't phase him. As he and his friend budge from their chairs, Geoff and I leapfrog across the table like Kurt Thomas in "Gymkata." You always want to take over a hot seat in Vegas. Always.

    Luis waits for them to leave, then springs this one on us: "That guy never played blackjack before."

    "Lumpy? The guy who won all the money?"

    "Never played before in his life. Ever."

    You couldn't make this stuff up.

    Now the drinks are flying. So are the wisecracks. I'm making back money at an alarming rate. With five stacks of $100 chips in front of him, Hopper looks like a kid in a candy store, only if that kid had Dr. Kimble's beard. Mikey and Butz are still cruising along. There's still no action in the Hard Rock bullpen, even with everyone winning and laughing. Luis and Geoff are even trading "Scarface" lines, with Geoff following every blackjack by screaming things like, "I can't even have a baby with you, Luis, your WOMB is so POLLUTED ..."

    Only Bish is losing at first base -- he can't buy a break. During one hand, Luis forgets to deal him in ... then promptly busts as everyone wins money. It's uncanny.

    "I think I'm getting up," Bish mutters.

    "No!" Hopper screams. "You can't! Table karma!"

    Bish stays. You know why? Because he should. In Vegas, what comes around goes around. And maybe Bish got smoked this time around -- to the point that he had a giant salad fork sticking out of him by 11:30, done for the weekend -- but the next time, the Gambling Gods will reward him.

    And if that doesn't make sense to you ... well, you've never been to Vegas.

    Grady Little
    Grady Little once again opts for the status quo while running the Hard Rock.
    Saturday night, 9:15 p.m.
    We just realized something: the Hard Rock is being managed by Grady Little.

    That has to be the case, right? Why wouldn't they use their bullpen to stop our rally? Not that we're complaining. It's been an unprecedented, historic run -- when was the last time five friends won huge at the same table? Sure, poor Bish is standing four feet away, waiting for the fluffer to come by. Doesn't matter. Five out of six ... you'll take those odds any day. Bish understands. Even if he's currently catatonic.

    I'm up $550 at the table, $200 for the day. And I'm doing the worst out of anyone. Two pit bosses stand near our table, sending evil vibes and trying to cool us off. Doesn't work. We're openly mocking them. We make such a dent in their chip rack that they have to bring in a whole new stack of $25s and $100s (always a moral victory). We're making "Uh-oh, they just turned the overhead camera on!" and "What time do we have to be back at MIT?" jokes. It's a party.

    And then it happens.

    During a shuffle, the Hard Rock's gaming host introduces himself to Hopper, sweet-talks him, hands him a card. These are the things that happen when you're gambling $100 and $200 a hand for five straight hours -- Hopper even had a passing hooker rub her crotch against his right elbow. At least we think she was a hooker. You never know at the Hard Rock.

    Anyway, at the rate he's going, Hopper has already gotten his room comped, as well as Saturday's breakfast and Friday's dinner. Nobody looks happier than Mike, who just happens to be staying in Hopper's room. We immediately decide to hold a lottery draft for roommates next time around. Winner gets to stay with Hopper.

    Meanwhile, Hopper and the gaming host are deep in conversation. They shake hands and the guy disappears.

    "We're going to Nobu for dinner," Hopper says. "10 o'clock."

    Only one of the most famous sushi places in the country. You don't just get in to Nobu. This is virgin territory. As recently as four years ago, we were sleeping four to a room. Now we're about to dine with the big boys.

    We gamble for another 45 minutes, then head over to Nobu, where we promptly have one of the 10 best meals of anyone's life. The food keeps coming and coming -- sushi, kobe beef, lobster salad ... it's a murderer's row. We toast Hopper at least 1,200 times. It's like a scene from one of those action movies where everything's going great for the first 30 minutes, and then bad things start happening to the good guys ... but before it happens, they throw in the happy dinner montage. That was us.

    Eventually, we head back to the tables for more blackjack. The numbers dwindle over time. We lose Bish first. He's a shell. None of us can even make eye contact with him. "He'll be back," I tell the others, one of those Larry Merchant comments, like I'm talking about a boxer who just got pummelled.

    Marge Schott
    We need to add "turning into Marge Schott" to the criteria for worst-case scenario.
    Geoff is next. Then Hopper, who sees no point in staying in the game when he's already hit five home runs. He takes himself out to a standing O.

    By the end of the night, it's just me, Mikey and Butz. I'm betting $25 a hand, my fortunes rising and falling from shuffle to shuffle. Butz can barely see. I'm right there with him -- my contacts are covering my eyes like Ty Law. I'm drinking whiskey and smoking two cigs at a time, like I turned into Marge Schott. Only Mikey seems relatively coherent.

    "Dude, it's 4:15," he tells us.

    Four fifteen???

    Butz groans: "I have a 6 a.m. wakeup call."

    He's taking a 7:30 a.m. flight back to San Fran. Just over three hours away. We wait for him to make the call. Hey, we've all made money tonight. There's no reason to keep gambling. None.

    "Screw it," Butz says. "Let's keep going."

    Vegas, baby.


    Bill Simmons is a columnist for Page 2 and ESPN The Magazine, as well as one of the writers for "Jimmy Kimmel Live" on ABC

    five for first...the guys nasally falsetta was annoying...but afterawhile it just sounds perfectly melodic....those simple piano rifts are awesome~


    ACS DOGWALK....check it out...i'll be there with jp and min




    weekday drinkfests!...if i go without these weekday outings...i just start feeling depressed and old after a anycase...

    a night of popeyes bowling and tons of drinking...AWESOME~...good friends....good times.

    happy birthday to derek "the choice" chen...and will "i suck at bowling" lee



    quote of the night

    astarr: "will....what are all those dashes on your score..."

    juicyjenny interjects: "THEY ARE ALL ZEEEROOOO'S"



    spinning class:

    i have never heard soo much disco in my life...this gay guy that runs the friday lunch class is friggin was his birthday so he chose all his favorite disco tunes...singing along and adding his own personal falsetta runs on the operator mic even when the song was finished......

    tshirt and sweats...NOT BIKE SHORTS.


    chappelle tickets ORDERED!



    oh yea...I ROCK!.


    if u're not busy at work or call me...i need a favor!


    @ 12noon...knicks playoff tickets go on sale...

    @ 12.30...chappelle tickets go on sale..westbury music fair...

    and i will not be at my desk then....


    umich - 56k

    stony - 18k

    mt sinai - 35k

    yale - 50k


    JEEZUS...hmmm......i wonder..........(no i did not get in to all of these)


    ben jelen - come'on

    saw the video on mtv this morning...such a simple repeating concept...everything revolving around him and his grand piano...this is how video's used to be...simple one themed or one idea-ed lack of story lined videos....even the rap videos were nothing but tits and ass all real sense of what is going on....AWESOME>..BRING IT's are just becoming too much of nothing these days....sensory overload...

    war....- does it seem like the US just bullies on IRAQ as a scapegoat for all terrorism? sure seems like that...and in the it just all about money?  US interest (hostile or not) in IRAQ revolves around nothing but oil...hence $  (i gotta find some of these facts for y'all to read....)

    --should i take the ride again today?...and NO i do not wear bike shorts...just sweatpants and a tshirt thank you very much.


    got some prince tickets....booo ya!



    New York Cabs to Charge More, but You Can Put It on Plastic

    Starting in the first week of May, a typical cab ride of 2.6 miles in the city, from SoHo to Midtown for example, with five minutes of waiting time in traffic, will increase to $8.30 from $6.60. More specifically, the base fare will rise to $2.50 from $2, and the rate for every one-fifth of a mile, about four city blocks, will go to 40 cents from 30 cents. The flat fare from Kennedy Airport to Manhattan will increase to $45 from $35.

    In a new expense, riders will have to pay a $1 surcharge from 4 to 8 p.m. on weekdays, when traffic is heaviest, a measure the commission hopes will encourage more drivers to work during the afternoon rush, when cabs are scarce.


    got into stony...didnt get into a lot of other places....