**post was spawned from the anticipation of partying with JO....of course i didn't even get to see her dOH~

there's something to be said about partying with texans. actually, it's more of a yell yell drink drink yell yell kind of setting with texans. without fail, if a texan is around and you too have a penchant for alcohol, you're in for a good time. however, be forewarned of the unprecedented amount of sh*ttalking as appetizer and no sense of portion control for the main course...and in the event that you're still alive for dessert....u're following that up with pukin rally. they eat and they drink a whole whole damn lot.

miss joanne huang is in town. so i wrote her an email

> 1. are u going to pour me a shot and run away from your own? (due to the need to "represent ny" i took 4 double shots of tequila and then had joanne chase me around the club with another shot...only to realize that was hers!)
> 2. are you going to pour your shot on the floor? (a classic jo move)
> 3. are you going to get so smashed and not drink tomorrow night? (another classic)
> 4. leave the horns at home. (those UT kids are nuts)

and she replied

> SCREW you! It's on!

why is it that after running for an hour outside, drenched in sweat...i still don't smell as bad as the local school kids walking around in their uniforms....their body odor trails for a good 400 ft. what is going on!

on repeat:

musiq soulchild - i just wanna know
when most of your friends are asian, there's always an opportunity to make up for missed events when they come back to visit. i missed their brooklyn wedding in september but they had another whiskey-fest taiwan.

normally puppies aren't allowed in supermarkets...
but niku doesn't care.

there's no need to go to 三重 for 五燈將豬腳飯 anymore. this place 四平街富霸王豬腳飯 was pretty damn good...

"out with the old, in with the new" - if i remember correctly, this was my high school yearbook quote.

throughout academia, one of my biggest writing insecurities was with the "delete button". i was hard working and studious, but could never translate these efforts into coherent, fluid literary essays. what it did translate to was wordy, redundant, un-proofread pieces of transcribed classroom babble. but with maturity and blogging, it seems i've found equilibrium btwn my hs year book quote (which referred to promiscuity at the time) and anything that has to do with text. i am now "delete" addicted.

there's a certain confidence to be had when using the delete button so freely. for one, after writing pages and pages of thesis, one must decide what crucial matters are no longer crucial anymore and what brilliant anecdotes are no longer relevantly brilliant. secondly, to be able to use the delete button and trust one-self's diligence and creativity to resurrect/recapture a better scribed version at a much later time takes much security of thought.

last month, i butchered by own resume line by line, font by font, margin by margin. this month i butchered someone else's resume, a trio of my own works (analytical and prose) and had the full confidence that it's essence would be revived 2-fold stronger. i went "out with the old and in with the new". and up to this point, this mentality has probably bled into all facets of my life, which to me, is a calculated gamble worth taking but simultaneously the strongest argument against my lack of stability.

as of today (post singapore), it's not that i voluntarily continue to live out of a backpack, it's that things are in transition and it just so happens that i'm still on standby. and so while i wait for the office to finish renovating, and i wait for my mom to move out of my soon-to-be-1st-home-in-6-years, i spend another day at another starbucks. it would be cool if the couches could have outlets near them and it'd be even cooler if the hot chick across from me could kindly watch over my stuff and conveniently slip her number in my bag while i find relief in the washroom. but that's not the case, so im stuck and i wait. i wait for the office, i wait for my mom, i wait like all of asia for the US fed numbers to come out tonight.

these days, everyday is financial Armageddon and it seems like a once in a lifetime global meltdown. but when someone loses money, there's always someone making money! who's making money other than warren 'wily' buffet (gaining 2 billion USD in net worth this past year). "A simple rule dictates my buying: Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful," Buffett wrote in an a guest commentary published by The New York Times. so it got me thinking...BRING BACK REAGANOMICS!

i'm no staunch republican, in fact i'm very liberal, but find myself polling for tax reasons instead (what does it matter anyway being that i'm an electoral new york voter). that's beside the point. i'm just thinking that since america is a culture built on spending, a habit that got us into this mess in the first place. so why not try to fix today's financial problem by not changing the habit of the people, but to use this habit positively. give the people more money in their pocket, make everything and "anyone" tax deductible and LIVE AND LET DIE! american's aren't going to save that extra cash and today's recession shows that the avg person doesn't have any saving to fall back on. so...give it a whirl! why not! go go gadget palin! 150k @ macy's and saks is a poignant way to set the tone.

that's a certain p.o.v. on today's US. how bout elsewhere? would reaganomics work in asia? doubt it. asians in asia are built on saving. Confucius was frugal. mao was poor. kim jong il starves his people. china has the biggest savings of foreign currency in the world. my parents know of nothing but saving.

"i told you so"

there's not much ummph in me being ahead of the curve because i did not have the financial backing to do anything to fully capitalize on it. and to those around me that had asked for my opinion on certain matters 4-6 years ago, the "i told you so" is just not the right thing to say for today's crisis, but who can resist the opportunity of a bitter backlash? so in moving forward, how do you do something about 20/20 hindsight? how do use hindsight to equte to 'bite the bullet, take the loss and let's move on'.

"out with the old, in with the new"

during america's industrial growth in the early 20th century, upton sinclair wrote the book, the jungle, exposing corruption in america's meatpacking industry. his book which intended to focus on labor conditions ended up spotlighting a more pressing issue of food safety. his book coupled with public outcry eventually led to the passage of the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906, which established the Food and Drug Administration. - (wiki)

not to be confused with mowgli and kiplings jungle, sinclair's jungle is a metaphor for the greed in capitalism and industrialization. china needs a modern day sinclair amidst (soy sauce made with human hair, pork buns made with cardboard and most recently the melamine milk/egg) food scandals.

in light of my previous post below, imagine the moms of taiwan, post melamine (milk and egg) scandal, were sent to china for positive channeling of maternal tyranny to research and expose the corruption of china's dairy industry. of course they'd go through taiwanese navy seal/marine/CIA/007/XMEN training before being deployed in the farmlands of the communists...and after completion of their research mission, their unyielding overly protective maternal and taiwanese fervor would be the guiding 4th estate in wreaking havoc on the mainland, killing all KMT efforts for a return to 1992 consensus, and giving the DPP new artillery to yearn for independence. if i were green (DPP), i'd push for new strategy and legislation. (this sounds like a great korean comedy movie, maybe they already have a so/no korean version, move over sassy girl, here comes sassy supermom)

my mother has forbid me to drink milk and eat eggs completely...no ifs ands or buts.

herein lies the irony, so to go along with the household "milk ban", i have gone through the cabinet and thrown away all packages of instant coffee/tea. throwing away food goes against her other crazy psychotic rules of "food wastage" which i'll get into another time. you should see the confused look on her face when she had to agree to me throwing away the milk powder packages.

chinese moms, as culturally ingrained, have a certain knack of believing in anything they read or hear. other than cultural specifics, i would go as far to blame chinese media for instilling everyday "fear of everything" due to it's "gossip and exaggerate about everything" nature. so, moms will take their blinder-news source, re-interpret it, and apply it to their children in that perfectly overbearing manner. it's not just, "eat your vegetables", it's "you must eat 7 different types of fruits and vegetables daily", and it's not just "eat your 7 veges", it's "if u don't eat your 7 veges, you'll turn out like that auntie who is hunched back, has no teeth, hair is falling out and has boils all over ur arse"...."and she's only 40!"....

the maternal reflex kicks in about every 20 minutes when im with my mom. for the record, there was a period of time when my mom was preaching "drinking urine" cures cancer. (not that she did it, but she did seem to believe it)

how about u?

In reporting Obama's staggering fundraising for September, campaign manager David Plouffe said the campaign had added 632,000 new donors in the month, for a total of 3.1 million contributors to the campaign. The average donation was US$86, he said in a Sunday morning e-mail to supporters. The take was 2.3 times the US$65 million Obama raked in during August, his previous monthly best. - click here

obama friggin raised 150M for the month of september. he's seriously amazing how he's done the right things to capitalize today's market by using everyday technology which now includes not only the standard forms of media (tv, radio, print) but also to fully utilize the internet for mass marketing. political campaigning has always been a bit slow to adjust to modern media through radio/tv etc but obama has caught the wave perfectly. he has not only pooled in the internet as a major campaign attack, he's gone a step further to use internet mediums like facebook to catch voters by the truckload.

"History shows us where unlimited amounts of money are in political campaigns, it leads to scandal," McCain said.

now as much of a sore loser comment as this comment is by mccain, it does hold quite a bit of water...now if given the opportunity for scandal....would obama take it?

"It is a kingdom of conscience, or nothing." - balian (orlando bloom in kingdom of heaven), in reference to jerusalem
"so simple...yet so complex" - original japanese iron chef shows re-dubbed in english

the communal boiling pot of water as a dinner apparatus is ingrained in most asian genes as easy, quick, satisfying and fulfilling. it's basic concept has been developed, nuanced, modernized, sweetened, soured, thickened, curry-ized and chili-ized, yet through all it's bastardized adaptation, the most luxury of high end hot pots is clearly exhibited by the restaurant ORANGE 橘色. located on in the basement of da an road, the stairway entrace from the street gives the same indication to a restaurant as an underground casino. but after ur eyes adjust to the japanese sake bar ambience and take note to the food on the table, u realize that there's nothing awe dropping to the high priced menu. u look at the menu and it looks all complex and expensive with set dinners and promotions, the waitress guides you through it and u just end up with a copper pot of clear bland stock and ur orders arrive as the freshest of nature's edible raw bounty. seafood, meat, vegetables come unadulterated, clean, relatively large pieces and of the highest of quality. that's hot pot.

they did give us that was a little nouveau. chicken wing stuffed with cod roe.

even for my friends, my openness about my life is still quite cryptic. thankfully, those that care or are just curious about my whereabouts still keep tabs on what i've got to say, or what naked pictures to post. and with recent changes in career and the supplementary IM conversations to boot, it's flattering that "the bird is the word" has gotten around saying that i'll be back in NY for a good month this upcoming holiday season. amidst a major global economic meltdown, i plan to make my staunch republican parents proud by bringing back reaganomics during my time back home, leading by example. make every expense deductible and the basics of prodigal spending is that necessary cash injection which will kickstart the economy. god knows how much americans eat, drink and waste. god knows how much i do all the above and more!

it's consumption time bitcheS!

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WNrx2jq184&hl=en&fs=1]
it's just too easy to go make fun of a different culture's choice in pop music. whether it's their adaptation to america's billboard charts or a complete re-make of birtney's spears best hits, there's just too much room for hypocrisy when you find yourself singing along to the tunes @ noraebang a few weeks later. but don't blame local radio for airplay exposure, blame shopping malls, cafes, restaurants, tv commercials for blasting local artists as marketing. hong kong radio, i'll have you know, is nothing but "talk talk talk talk talk talk talk". 100 minutes of talk, 10 minutes of music. even the dj commercial plugs seem ridiculously long winded. i sat in will's car for several hour drives and we heard 1 song, and frankly, that one song could have just been a commercial plug.

god that was scary.

i dont know why, i just had a bad feeling about going to china this time. maybe it was cuz i was alone. or it was something i ate last night (or didn't eat), or i slept the wrong way or something. whatever it was, the moment i left will's apartment...i kept 2nd guessing myself about everything. i kept worrying if i forgot my phone or my keys or my wallet...and on the hk-bus i then started to worry if i had remembered to shut the door or if i forgot to turn the stove off....then i kept double checking my pockets for cash, passport etc....

i had 2 cups of coffee for breakfast and was probably on paranoia jitters until the bowl of wonton noodles helped ease my train ride into shenzhen. at which point i started worrying about the way i looked - my blatant foreign exterior that screams "swindle me". so i changed shirts, took off my earing and tried to look unkempt even though i had shaved earlier in the morning. i got through immigration painlessly and didn't skip a step in finding the bus to hou jie.

i found my bus pickup point and shoved my luggage in the trunk below. without a luggage ticket, i had started to worry a bit, so after i paid for my bus ticket i found a seat on the same side of the luggage compartment to make sure no one would pull a quick one and take my luggage while we waited for more passengers. and just as i started to feel a bit more calm, the ticket lady swings by and takes a picture of me. (will had written me an email saying that bus companies take pictures of passengers "just in case"). i looked over to the neighboring bus and saw the ticket collecter video-camming passengers as they boarded. that had me a bit flipped out, thinking tons of "what ifs" - "what if someone hijacked the bus?" "what if the bus got into an accident and flipped over?", "what if i got on the wrong bus?", "what if someone took my luggage during the elapsed time of me storing the luggage away below and actually sitting down above?"

it's not like i've never been to china before or worse places...it's not like i didn't know what to expect or how to take care of myself. it's just that i had a bad feeling today...but since i'm sitting at the hotel lobby having a johnny walker.....i feel much much better.
the beauty of living in new york is that after you've finished university and harnessed the full development of your partying "qi", you still live in close enough proximity where age and responsibility doesn't overcome the need to meet up and re-live or prolong your indulgent youth. in fact, with more disposable income, it's arguable that you perfect the art of debauchery post academia, and with the right support group of lush's, next day's pain @ the office is never the dagger in the will to party on! i had a conversation with louisa just yesterday about how californian life post academia changes drastically when maturity finds no rationale to overcome driving distance.

of course, i had to be the first to break the proximity equilibrium. of our group of friends from university whom all re-located from dorms to downtown area (due to subsidized rent), i left new york first. will followed me to asia 6 months later. and 4 years later, it seems hoan has also taken the plunge to philly (he's lucky cuz any excuse he can find he's back in ny, i hear)...nowadays, it's a rare occurrence to re-live these moments out in asia. however, since my most recent re-location out of singapore, i've upped the frequency of bumping into my ole mates, starting with larry last week and will this week.

8 days straight on the road. followed by 3 straight days of shopping. i decided to take 3 straight days off from the outdoors to stay in and reminisce with my macbook and my former roomate. 100% online, 100% drinking, 100% guitar, 100% devil may cry, 100% pizzam. it's like we're in college again.


when you're hungover. everything is funny. it's also one of those times when you unleash fury @ anything around you, unleash the ridicule that nothing ever deserves...cuz it's funny and it makes your pain feel better. and with the amt of fermented beverage that gravitates towards me it would be terribly impossible for me give whirl to Tim Ferris' The 21-Day No-Complaint Experiment. u try it ami, lemme know.

I defined “complaining” for myself as follows: describing an event or person negatively without indicating next steps to fix the problem. I later added the usual 4-letter words and other common profanity as complaint qualifiers, which forced me to reword, thus forcing awareness and more precise thinking.

Following the above definition, both of the following would require a wrist switch:

“Man, I went into the post office and had to stand behind this rude jerk for 30 minutes. What a waste of time.”


“John can be such an a**hole. Totally uncalled for.”

The following variations would not:

“Man, I went into the post office and had to stand behind this rude guy for 30 minutes. It was a waste of time. From now on, I’ll go in the mornings before 10am to avoid the crowd.”

“John was a bit of muppet in there, wasn’t he? I suppose I’ll just send the e-mails directly to Mary in engineering for the next two weeks to get buy-in, then he’ll have to agree.”
no matter where you go in HK, you're bound to see lots of people, lots of restaurants, lots of lights, lots of buildings and just lots and lots of things. amidst all these lots and lots', you'll notice a lot of 周大福, a high end watch retailer, and you'll wonder, how can there be so many watch stores in HK? there's half as many watch stores in HK as there are 711's in taiwan? there are as many mcdonalds in the US as there are watch stores in HK? what is going on? then you walk around a bit more and u think......i bet the 周生生 watch chain was founded by the brother of 周大福....but the brother probably slept with his 3rd wife. the youngest of the triumverate. and so they had a big fight in causeway bay. machete and pipe style....chock full of dragon tattoo's, leather jackets and dyed streaks. and if that's how the 周 watch chains split, what about cafe coral and fairwood? maybe fairwood was an busboy at cafe coral and secretly stole wonton's from the freezer...worked his way up the chain, threatened cafe coral that he would unleash the secret recipe if he wasn't given shares...was rejected with a bat to the head....and so he left and started fairwood. which caused wars btwn the two chains with flying cleavers btwn bloody aproned 叉燒 chefs chasing each other down nathan road with the final duel @ kimberly road. really gets you thinking when roaming the streets of HK.
the availability of information on the web is completely insane. the www is an anonymous DIY medium that holds the answers, opinions, experiences of all that is right-wrong and completely ridiculous. and from one successful informative link, one helplessly falls into that deep hole of "related links"...and as each tangent whirpools you further into messy curiousity, it's not necessarily the links that you yourself come across that bring tears of pain or laughter, it may be what a peer has come across and has tangented todays lunch conversation to shed light on what he or she has most recently stumbled across. without being too vulgar here, lets just say that i've recently seen a tutorial on squirting....and so now, when we walk around the atrium of whores in 尖東...the "point out the whore" game has now been replaced with...."she looks like she squirts"....hahaha...
i now have a taiwanese nickname....

白熊...(bei hiung)

which means...polar bear

for the record, the past 2 weeks i've been in HK, i have not been in LKF once. and last night, for the 2nd consecutive friday, i found myself dressed up and watching tv. and while i popped my "californication" cherry and caught up on the first few episodes of entourage season 5, my buddy next to me, whom was pre-occupied with his text messages all night, found enlightening parallels btwn him and johnny drama/jacqueline. but rather than spilling love guts on "the view" with whoopi, i over read this sms on my buddy's phone. "when you hurt, i jealous" or was it the other way around...hahaha....


while i was in china, after a long day on the ride back to the hotel, there was only one thing spinning around my head



developing countries give me a hard on. the moment i land into an environment of unkempt pedestrians, raucous cell phone users, spitters, cracked sidewalks, moldy walls, urine smelling elevators, and the overall dusty blanket of life, i sigh the relief of "opportunity". it's chaos but it's invigorating and really makes me feel alive. current location: CHINA (replacing jakarta/bangkok/malaysia/vietnam)

i haven't been in china for over a year...and it's gray skies of industrial buzz brought me back into a daze. it's routine for me to sit in the car, stay quiet for the first 3 days just soaking up the surroundings. i stare at the sheer size of the country, what its land mass correlates to in terms of natural resources, i ask basic questions of population, infrastructure, telecom, transit, standard of living to map out the borders of it's cultural necessities. it's not that im some wannabe financial analyst, but it's these basic functions of a society that give me a better understanding when conversing with locals and foreigners in that region whether for business or for business ktv. hahaa.

i'll always jump at the chance to see raw industries. to see the source of how modern civilization has come to be, to see how such a technologically advanced world still sits on a very primitive, very labor intensive foundation is always fascinating. when i was in energy, it amazed me to see how the basics of refining and shipping still remained heavily labor intensive even though computers had heavily upgraded a lot of their systems. this time in china, when studying assembly lines of manufacturing, the amount of hand crafted detail into everyday essentials will make anyone spend a few moments at awe of how much manpower still remains to keep the world running like it is today.

anyways, im back in china next week.

it's not only that i love the idiosyncrasy's of cultures, but in an almost condescending way, i find severe joy in the little things that make the world go round. for instance, it's already quite the oxymoron that we call the reticent tatooed gangster timothy the boyish nickname of timmie. but as he's assimilated to the local depths of hong kong...he's has seemingly also adapted the pet name...


hahahaha.....seriously. just say it out loud in your best CANTONESE ENGLISH. "AH TIM TIM HEI BIN AH?"
now try that with someone else's name?

this flipping phone is such a pain in the arse to use. anyone have any tips//recommendations on how to ease it into everyday life?

following suit of the 3 previous laws of motion, the 4th is also a truth that we accept and deal with on a daily basis.

4th law - an expedited china visa for a US passport must be outrageously expensive. 1870HKD.

i curse gravity. just like i curse the cost for a china visa.

last night eric headed out early in the evening to a client dinner.

larry and i hung around the hotel room for a bit and headed out for a late dinner.

dinner turned into shopping first/crappy dinner 2nd. then we went back to hotel.

larry passed out.

at 1am i woke him up cuz we were kicked out of our room and went to 711.

we were harrassed for 770HKD by 3 women on the street.

we came back to the room after an hour in the rain to see the little shoes still in the room.

we went back out for food.

i went to sleep at 6.30am. the bottle of absolute is 95% finished.

eric has a hangover.

i wonder if larry got to china ok.

JORGEN....(it's a soft J)

i've blogged on this matter last year....and today, i'll blog about it again. my friends, hopefully not unlike other social groups find time only to converse on the topics of sex, sex, fecal matter, sex, and more sex. while all these profound issues are thrown around for the hopes of enlightenment, homosexual references are no doubt being thrown around to give the respective vulgarity a jovial perspective. and so this morning's conversation started with me rolling around all morning saying "i need to take a shit, i'm not leaving till i take a shit"...after an hour of me still lying in bed watching the vice presidential debate, larry felt a need for a slight intervention...

larry reminded me of JORGEN. an ancient technique passed down through fathers and sons since before man discovered fire. larry sat down across from me, took a deep breath and began to teach the technique.

JORGEN is YOGA FOR THE ORGANS...pronounced YORGAN, (the silent J is due to JORGEN's ancestral roots in san diego, which in german means a whale's vagina) it is a breathing and twisting technique that alleviates your bowels immediately and requires zero abdominal muscles. just as i describe the technique last year,

sit and breathe.
breathe and sit.
get comfortable.
inhale. exhale.
close your eyes.
put your hands in the air.
slowly twist right. then twist left.
inhale. exhale.

it's an undertated tantric technique that wrings your torso as if it were a sopping wet towel or as if u were squeezing toothpaste out of the tube. there's no abdominal muscle needed for this meditative process for unleashing ur inner core.

"it's the best part of my day" -vixstar
there is really only one common theme amongst my friends.


anywhere we go, that place just turns into one big playground. one big sandbox.

and anywhere larry goes, his head just overcomes him. and passes out.


the view from the royal garden


the only thing i really cared about during the fireworks is this (pic below)...if you don't know what it is, u probably dont want it so don't ask. if u know what it is, isn't it absolutely delicious?

