Saddam's hometown unveils statue dedicated to man who threw shoe at President Bush

Thursday, January 29th 2009, 11:14 AM


A statue dedicated to the man who threw his shoes at President Bush has been erected in Tikrit, Saddam Hussein's hometown.

the last time i can remember having eggs benedict was in alphabet city with esther and i had a spanish twist of eggs benedict (croissant, salmon, avocado, egg, hollandaise). it was delicious in 2005, and it even more delicious yesterday.

the last time i had brunch [satc style - post drinking - catching up on lives - getting to know u - gossiping about friends - career next steps - rock on finger next steps] - was 2004. where i developed my brunch stigma because breakfast food never qualified a hangover outing and the talk of rocks/happiness made me gag. (i think i was also charged 15 bucks for an OJ too).

the last time i can remember eating @ mercer kitchen was when "grapefruit cosmo's" were still the female choice of drink and i was still gelling my hair spikey.

as for conversation - other than what was present then is now gossiped about in the past tense, nothings' changed. soho hasn't changed. gratuity hasn't changed. the people have changed. the weather hasn't changed. and i quote..."it all started with charade, you and the missing scarf."
an outing with lax is never short of an ordeal, from the sheer basics of ordering food to the complexities of hamas/israel conversations. and so after a tour of the factory and a tour of the apartment, we toured downtown for dinner. and i quote..."this place never disappoints"...we then of course we continue to order the 2 worst dishes on the menu. in efforts for redemption we add another sub-par ramen. momofuku is not that great. bad skate, terrible mussels (sent back), and a deep fried brisket that was a bit heavy. soggy OK duck tortellini, and although the fluke was good, im not sure the carrot sauce was the right pairing. only the siracha style chili sauce and the pork steamed bun were delicious. everything else, a bit heavy and truly not exciting.

**glass bowl theory** - [it's a jew theory]
1. nuke saudi arabia and iran (because they are the true problem). 2. when sand gets superheated it becomes glass. 3. just glass bowl that portion of the world.

as an asian efficiency consultant, i go one step further
1. nuke the refineries 2. superheat the oil distillates and pet resin to create a PLASTIC BOWL. 3. clear vu and api will handle the molding and control the feed tube through their special patented pvc piping in and out of the PLASTIC BOWL. jews win. clear vu wins. im a genius.

so i asked my mom yesterday

"hey mom, what do you want for your birthday"

she replied

"i want stability in your life."

following suit of this post...

was it just me or did geithner's swagger all of a sudden come back after he was sworn in? no more glossy eyed, guilty, "i never cheated on my wife and i never cheated on my taxes" look. *PHEW!* now we have a tax evader as secretary of treasury. i love this country...

why not wesley snipes in office?

there wasn't anything special about this night. it was one of those routine fridays. but because of the scarcity of me back in the states, every night has become a huge drunken doozy...but now that things have returned to some normalcy...we hit up the new dulicious frat house, then some lower east side, then some ktown. everyone went back to the dumansion and passed out on the couch. only difference this time is that i didnt wake up in a halo of porn.


"fear is not a growth strategy. period" - amy c. cosper

"i'm looking to stop living out of a backpack. period" - moi, jan 2009.

"i will tell stories to people who will listen and to people who don't want to people who seek me out and to those who run" - valentino achak deng

apparently, my forte's are

1. giving a great pep talk
2. korean culture


3. duk guk.

last weekend, after i was prematurely kicked out of cain, jetlagged and hungry i raided the hot dog vendor down the street. i do not remember that at all. then when i got back home, with 6 hungry other mouths to feed i went bezerk on the korean kitchen with a high boil and fermented pastes. it was delicious. at least i remember it tasting delicious, but i was wayyy too drunk to remember what exactly i put in it. so sorry fellas - no recipe. i'll get drunk again and try it again?

in the meantime, here's my kalbi jim recipe

short ribs
grated Asian pear
rice wine
brown sugar/honey/SPRITE
grated onion
soy sauce/sugar/
sesame seeds/oil

Directions - roughly: Make deep cuts on meat to absorb seasonings well. marinate meat in seasonings. put rib mixture in pot and cover to with water. add rice wine and simmer when reaches a boil.

"America needs to act even when the UN hesitates"

agree or disagree?
now, is probably the worst time to be a political figure in the US...or any figure that has anything to do with the well being of millions and billions of people globally. anyone on the public stage just looks like a deer in headlights. there's a gloss of guilt, fear and insecurity and heavy stuttering in every politicians personna. doesn't it kind of remind u of the "i just got caught cheating red handed look?"

geithner totally looked guilty in his hearing yesterday. stuttering, glossy eyed, hiding from direct eye contact and testing his diplomacy. personally, i can't believe he blamed turbo tax. hahaha. who's your turbo tax? to think about it, hillary is the only person that looks completely confident, secure and not guilty. hahaa, that's probably because she's the one that got cheated on before.

"This will not be over quickly. You will not enjoy this. I'm not your King. "

fill in this analogy...

pigs are to truffles as
victor is to _______.

2 weeks later, i'm back in NY and on my 4th day back, i finally made it to project which was supposed to be the purpose of this trip. specifically, plans seem to change a bit more frequently with me, however as a collective group amongst being back with the debaucherous buddies around me - nothing has changed. and so to recap, unfortunately still with no camera...

i landed saturday night and by 10pm i was sloshed. by 1am i was kicked out of cain. and by sometime after that duk guk was being cooked on the stove. saturday just melted into a 2005-like sunday of wholistic healing, football, and topped off with sapphires and kunjip. sunday kind of then turned into monday and victor finally showed up. which equates to 1. eat a lot at typhoon. 2. go back to chomos. 3. go eat AGAIN @ 69. which i might add was a $55 dollar bill @ 69 for 4 people.

so i spent a full day @ the jump booth @ the javits center. and that just meant me, victor and larry, sitting around a tiny white table, eating egg sandwiches and drinking beer. @ 10am. conversation consisted of the follow phrases..."i'd do her", "oh i'd definitely get all over that one", "holy are you for real?", "okay that one is right up john du's alley", "larry, can you stop punching me?", "lop, EAT IT", "pizzer or hoan?", "let's get a drink". in summation we cover all 4 food groups. sex, pu55y, drinking, and hoans butthole.

if u're looking for me, i'll be in long island for a few days. recovering. regrouping. and waiting for round 2.


"Sometimes the Web is most satisfying when it confirms a cliché from the world offline." -VIRGINIA HEFFERNAN
i know autotune gives everyone a fighting chance to do their own vocals...but PLS NOT ON EVERY SINGLE TRACK....kayne sings on every track!?!@#?!@ and not just for the chorus...but the entire song???

kayne's voice is driving me insane....
chalk another nickname for me on the list: POTATO!

in the past year....


and the quote of the day

"我發覺你滿picky的. 每個東西都還好. you don't ever really like anything that much. everything 都還好. 只有我你才真的很喜歡. 那麼喜歡...你很粘"

"...if you're truly struggling, this isn't the least bit applicable to you, and what you need and deserve in your life is a different matter altogether. but for the rest of us - the worried wealthy - i would argue that there's something that comes on the other side of loss, which, while it might not present itself as happiness, exactly, isn't so far off. Wisdom. Self-knowledge. I don't know, it all gets pretty lame when you try to find the right words for it. The experience I'm trying to describe, though, goes something like this: There's pain, and there's making sense of that pain and then there's the emergence in us of something that's more sensitive to what really matters in our lives. The addition to everything else, this is what loss does - it gives us an opportunity to honestly stop and think, what is important to me? What really makes me happy? How do i preserve that? the other stuff, you deal with it, you recognize it for what it's worth, you do what you can to rebuild. But you also try to keep at the forefront of your mind: I no longer have that, but I have this. I'm no longer that, but I'm this. And this, however you define it for yourself, shouldn't fluctuate with the market" - joel lovell - GQ men + money.
i find hillary absolutely brilliant. her poise, her intellect and the way she goes about conducting public announcements, speeches, questions etc never falters to come off rationally intuitive and thorough. i'm not the first to say this but maybe that's exactly her downfall. maybe if she were dumber, maybe if she embodied more woman, maybe if she had some sarah palin in her? maybe if she was hotter? or chelsea was hotter? too much woman almost scares everyone. and that's an interesting note to be said about the very delicate balance of life humans lead in every aspect from mother nature, to human behavior, to technological advance, to religious deity, to basic health. every day brings a new progression of life and everyday it requires a new perspective of action to balance the throws of equilibrium. i mean...what if hillary got a boob job. wouldn't she be softer on the eyes? i just read about sarah palin porn, now imagine hillary addressing the senate in a blazer and low cut tube top combo showing deep cleavage? sexual innuendo would be the yin to her yang. i bet she drinks a ton and shags like a horse. GENDER BENDER

moving on to yin and yangs of the world. i've been wanting to post on israel and palestine but honestly, i have nothing to say but "i don't get it". i get the struggle, i get the history, i get the religious undertones, i get the reasons, but i don't get it. and i never will. maybe if i travel there. but i just can't imagine the entire struggle for myself. BAN KI MOON said it best "JUST STOP NOW...." i was actually waiting for him to follow it up with "JEJUS WILL SABE YOU"
what happened to the days of taking a million pictures a night? the camera is going to need a comeback....otherwise i can't remember the nights entirety....

absolutely sloshed....

niku, on a special diet of "idunwanna" and "i can do anything i want" is no longer a little puppy, he's niku, prince of taiwan.

for alexia and anny....