kimbo's dance

d e r p d e r p: these guys are really good
moemoe185: yea!
moemoe185: i wanna see them perform
d e r p d e r p: wootwoot
d e r p d e r p: u're the chin family cheerleader
moemoe185: yea!!!
d e r p d e r p: wootwoot!
moemoe185: hahaha go chins!
moemoe185: ahhahahahahah a

why's it soo funny?

and this LOP has the audacity to give me the highest homo rating??? jeez!

i don't think people are looking at the videos so i need to post these again

makin da band

somos los homos"+playable:true

hiznode's pole dance

why am i so in love with things that i can't get??

i've always been the person that gets what he wants, whether you'd like to call it spoiled, persuasive, stubborn, disciplined etc...and i'm not talking in a pompous manner and superficial aspect, but in all facets of life, i've got nothing to complain about whether its academics, career, monetarily, socially....i've always had some realistic pursuit of everything i've wanted and in those terms figured out some method to fenagle my hands on it....and i am lucky and priveledged to be from where i am from and to have the endless, limitless opportunities and options in front of me to pursue all that my heart has desired (and in some cases all that y'all have envied, specifically speaking - my recent globe trekking)....and as 25 approaches around the corner, its these same options and opportunites and easy-comings that have made me push everything away for something less generic, something less obvious, something different and something self-controlling....i forcefully push my life onto that free-spirit and condemn being conservative....let the fear drive my further, let cynicism be my motivation and well...let my confidence forge me ahead....(and don't let me 1. talk to my mom on the phone and 2. run into kenny cuz both of them will lecture me to death about turning down further schooling)

my oh my what posts of angst lately....i'm typically so fearful of the public posts of superfluous emotion, but i'll let this one ride and we'll see where it goes....let that pang of headache/heartache blossom into some lyrics....goddammnit i still want to be a rockstar......correction**it's not a pang of emotion but rather its a wave of neurosis**....while i've always been described as stubborn (while i preferred the word disciplined)...i've now come to realize its more of and OCD type neurosis....-- i did race home to cut my nails.....sometimes i wonder if this repression of feeling is what make me a big baby on some levels......


tuesday night at AER....2 bottles?  i don't remember 1 single thing.

moustache is back!

i spend all this extra time reading things here and there...useless!

how come i have a bday picture with lin and not mikey chao??....


Beyond Human

Many of the fans milling into this year's postseason baseball games have been wearing authentic major league uniforms, with GUERRERO, say, or OSWALT, stitched on the back. True, society has traditionally encouraged kids to fantasize about what they'll be as adults. But most of the people I've seen in $200 regulation shirts are adults. What they're fantasizing about is an alternative adult identity for themselves.

Why do they do this? The literary critic Paul Fussell once speculated that wearers of "legible clothing" like T-shirts were merely losers trying to associate themselves with a success, whether it be a product (Valvoline) or an institution (The New York Review of Books). A conservative view held that dressing like a child meant shirking the responsibilities of adulthood. It was a subset of dressing like a slob. But these explanations do not cover the ballpark people or (to take a similar phenomenon) those weekend bicyclists in their expensive pretend-racer costumes, with European team logos and company trademarks. The message in their clothing is aimed not at others but at themselves. It is a do-it-yourself virtual reality.

Abandoning your own world for a made-up one is an ever larger part of adult life. For the futurist Ray Kurzweil, this is only the beginning. According to his new book "The Singularity Is Near," we are approaching the age of "full-immersion virtual-reality." Thanks to innovations in genetics, nanotechnology and robotics, you'll be able to design your own mental habitat. You'll be able to sleep with your favorite movie star - in your head. (It is not lost on Kurzweil that you can already do that, but he insists it will be really, really realistic.) Those same technologies will help us "overcome our genetic heritage," live longer and become smarter. We'll learn how brains operate and devise computers that function like them. Then the barrier between our minds and our computers will disappear. The part of our memory that is literally downloaded will grow until "the nonbiological portion of our intelligence will predominate."

But this raises questions: What will then be the point of unenhanced human beings? And what will become of our relations to one another?


all it takes is a couple of re-occurring instances consecutively for a person to take notice of the generic and often times hilarious way of life human society has evolved into...the testament usually goes to great writers, who dont' necessarily philosphize or invent original ideas but rather are the eloquent word stringers to put thse acts of cliche's into a cliche.... -- some program on tv was talking about the pathetic nature men succumbing to "women and sex", quite normal really, but what strikes me me right the combination of a few nights ago (i was explaining to someone how long i've been playing guitar, why i picked it up and uhh...'how many guys have picked it up to get chicks' + ' how many times do you this guy, who also jams, has used it as a move...') and i've never noticed it before...but just looking up online guitar tabs.....the tabbers always leave a comment at the bottom...and i quote..."this is a n EXCELLENT chick song..." HAHA.  there should probably be a "get laid" tally at the of those "reader polls", the equivalent of espn's sportsnation polls, we'll have guitarworld's  sex quotidien poll....

someone send me a good article on this bernanke guy and his dollar policy.....

writing, for me, doesn't just push you through emotional baggage and organize everything into a neat row of ducks, it also helps the technical aspects of my life as well, continuingly proving that my naivete in hs to avoid english and thinking it was a waste for future vocational practice was absolutely positively wrong.....interesting when you look back on those mistakes....those "i told you so's" from other people, those....*Blush blush....* i hate admitting i'm wrong, kind of deals.......

"you guys look like you're having a blast"

that's quite the redundant review for the blog as of late, but as hilarious as the following artwork in retrospect, it almost seems boringly reptitive....which means...the next time around, we'll take it to the next level.....(don't worry lop, no tabasco on the eyes....only lips, and plus it will most likely be poured on frank....again, poor frank), i wonder, why is drawing a penis a standard -- a MUST when it comes to body art?


does anyone work for a venture capitalist firm??


i feel like im getting, it's probably a fact...


addicted to coffee...


this is what hoan should be for halloween"+playable:true

combine the outfit with his pole dance"+playable:true

somos los homos"+playable:true


once asked if i would do greenspan to get insider info...i said yes...


BRING ON BERNANKE.....spread'em baby...



homo ratings......

and so the emails btwn atl and nyc have all of a sudden included homo ratings of each other, which...i am rated ridiculously by mr anycase.....there are probably 2 distinct personality traits that i lugged back with me from my excursion abroad....the first one probably being that i'm now more secure of my vanity and second, the enhanced comfort with homo-erotica, as if we weren't touchy feely enough already....i've always said that we the , american born asian, must give those international kids a bit more leeway on the scale of straight v. gay image....(vaccuum sealed jeans and louis vuitton male purses may get you stoned in all the g.w.bush states but halfway across the world it seems to be a greenlight to 'scooorreee' with the ladies)...this added room to roam needs also to apply to the willingness of specifically, male on male interaction amongst the heteros....

there was one night in taiwan we, 4 dudes and a girls, headed to sun yat sen memorial with beers and cards and coincidentally we played "the king game" -- not like the version we play here but rather, everyone picks a card and the highest card plucker gets to make the lowest card (or whoever they want i forgot) do whatever they want....essentially high-low meets is here that i witnessed the very same godbrother who licked jason and franks face from chin to forehead, eventually make out with the model that was out with us that night....and no guys, he's not bi (although sometimes i tell myself that). in anycase, that's all i have to say about that....

call it fate, call it coincidence or call it true love....hahaha....the weekend that will decides to fly back from hongkong...we retire the dice for a night and pull out those cards for a lower key night of OUR version of kings....a typical with our 1000:1 guy/girl ratio night, the modified game didn't bode well for us dudes...or did it.....after a few rounds, dare or dare replaced one card, t-rex replaced another, bra undressing/topless another, hand in someone elses pants another, and spin the bottle another........

the game....

the players



i don't even remember what was what rule....will just pulled a lot of undressing cards....

i'm not purposely turning my site into this fetish porn site, im literally just blogging and posting pictures that go along with that case...i'm living a fetish porn life?




the hand in pants game...

the "myst-er"....

uh huh uh was a good night

***my gee dubbleya comment doesn't represent my pol. party***


google videos rock...i'm gonna start taking MORE VIDEOS!!

the only person that ever gets emotional is john du...yet he's the one to tell people to "STOP GETTING ALL EMOTIONAL....BOYEEE"

outside his "whoa china" and "tony montana" exterior....deep down...the du keeps it real...

this is an imitation of how eepie dances....SCOOORREEE

i'm soo behind on always shocks me that people do take the time not just to peruse the pictures but to also attempt at re-constructing metaphors into solid thoughts...kudos to you...i admire your courage....although in a 2nd or 3rd retrospect....maybe i might just be a waste of your time....u'd have to go a couple of posts back on lops page (btw what the hell is a lop..) fully understand last thursday nights events....his post is utterly hilarious and i won't attempt to blog on top of what is already a masterpiece...however i will was for john du's birthday and he didn't show up....but it was a good time for my pops (who's become the commander in chief of the army) to catch up with everyone and see will since he was back for a week....


karaoke....then camel....

i can't remember anyone but us 3 singing the whole time....