do i all of a sudden have more readers? or are old readers all of a sudden resurfacing. cuz just as my footprints started to dwindle. i've found a calm in using this purely for my own diary purposes. complete with multimedia complementing the text. i get enough jokes about the skin, the metro that i don't need to add fuel to the food logs. i don't even remember what i ate over the weekend. it was just bad. maybe not a lot. but definitely not good. that's for sure. fast food breakfasts followed with fastfood dinners then fast foods feasts. (popeyes, white castle, katz, mcdonalds, katsu sandwiches, etc). yep, its a sad reality. im in decently good shape. but im not seeing the vain results that i'm longing for. ergo. i need to diet. and im worried. dieting puts a sheen of gloom over me. larry's been on this carb free diet. and it's damn annoying watching him discard dumpling peel, throwing away bread for sandwiches, separating all carbs from his path. i can only imagine how i used to be. worse im sure. scary.
i'm off to LA friday. making me the most expensive dog sitter ever.
i haven't had this tired hungry feeling in forever. it's terrible. it's such a test of your will and discipline. i can feel the gloom coming over me. the trainer cancelled on me and yet i found myself chugging to the gym for a spin class and weights. that's cuz after a friggin loss to chomo in madden. i was furious. special teams in madden is retarded.
my pillow smells like drool. not just a little bit. a lot of drool. what was i dreaming about last night? i dont normally drool?
the two books johns mom left for him.
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