im opinionated on a lot of things and me getting stuck in the corner with 2 couples talking about marriage and wedding planning isn't that big of a deal. i go things to say. unless the couple decides to spend the entire time talking about me going to celine dion on a trip to vegas. and what i do realize is while i jostle the wedding talks in one corner it really can't help the cause for my other buddy. anyways. did you know that celine dion will go weeks without speaking just to get ready for her show? they built that amphitheater for her and it's really quite a huge production. what i also learned is that she gets special air pumped into her house. she's crazy like that.
so im going to start buying people special bottled canisters of brooklyn air. BK AIR> BK WATER. HAPPY BIRTHDAY.! HA!
and speaking of brooklyn, did you know that the stereotype of blacks liking fried chicken has taken to another level because apparently there are chicken bones all over the sidewalks around my colleagues apartment. "my dog keeps trying to eat them when i walk her"...there's all these bones outside of this club. that means in the summer u'll see watermelon seeds on the street as well? HAHAHA.
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