"do you want to take home some bread?"

"how was meeting the parents"

"fine.  i've def grown up a bit. (pause) since a few years ago. baby steps"

"haven't we all"

"uhh....i wouldn't say we all. i'm only going to speak for myself.  it's not that im mature, i'm just relatively better than before"

"progress is progress"

"i'd give that all up for money"

"as WOULD I!"

there are specific moments today where i know my behavior towards parents, my certain actions (thought process) towards significant others differ than my mid twenties.  in addition.  at 30 i am a legit person.  judgement  can't take that away and elders know that.  (unless u live in asia haha).  for asians, legitimacy is correlated with age alongside their slipping grasp of outdated principles.  to say the least, it feels good to be treated as an adult (sans wrinkles).   in the end, regardless of treating you like an adult, they still force u to eat more than you can handle and take home things that u dont want.  "yes auntie, i'll take the bread."  hilarious.


natsu matsuri @ mitsuwa


my favorite aisle @ mitsuwa





LIGHT RAIL IS TERRIBE:  there is no hope for humanity.  i was on the light rail and there were hs school kids across from me that looked older than me.  they were talking about slapping and punching their mom.  "i was on the phone and my mom took a hammer and smashed my phone because she thought i ran up the bill. it was really my brother.  she started slapping me.  i just flipped and slapped her back and punched her and threw her against the wall.  people say respect your elders...pssh...if i get no respect i ain't giving none"  


ur mom's been talking about 小蘇州 the whole day.  we should probably go there.


i dont really get these stream of pictures



what if someone threw u in the pool?
