
lets go backwards...

WEDNESDAY: the last time i went to schillers was in 2005.  by then, it had already become a new york bistro staple.   it was one of the places i wanted to try before leaving nyc in 2004 but never got aorund to it.  so when i came back to visit in 2005, i went with janie, connors and jenn....before he was married.  all of mcnally's restaurants kind of look and feel the same.  the menu is the same too.  the food was not good.  i remember the bathroom being a lot cooler. yep.  6 years later.  def jaded.

"i know im coming off hard....but im a pretty forgiving person.  i just need to see ur face"


all day wednesday, i was not in good shape.  

"haven't drank like that in a while" 

couldn't shake the soju.  ate early lunch.  then needed a long walk to chinatown w sami for more food.  couldn't eat again but needed to sweat. 


TUESDAY:  "mentoring appointment"

When: Tuesday, August 09, 2011 6:45 PM-8:45 PM (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).

Where: Salon OSH (32nd between 5th and Madison aka Handsome Street)




Let me show you the way to 미남 스트리트.

talk about getting a 1998 throw back tight fade haircut.

"u've never been to 아리랑? 오마이갔!  let me take you there.  감자탕is good...."

danny hyung told me to change my hair's a sign.  a new era. haha.

IMG01035-20110810-1658 IMG01032-20110809-2059


"u look like crap" - thanks. happy birthday jenn.

every cipriani is would i know.  im not into that stuff...i just happen to run across it.  and it just so happens my first cipriani experience was this year...LONDON.  and club 55 2x in 3 weeks.  

