it BOGGLES MY MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

there was a night that happened at 4RN that i would have paid money to have attended.  what was i doing that night anyways?  

HKK: it ALL started when i was using her sesame oil to dip my samgyup sahl at frank's bbq. the WHOLE time i was eating, i was complaining "something tastes weird. something tastes funny. it tastes like refrigerator. the meat must be old. the meat tastes like refrigerator" ahhahaha i could NOT stop complaining. and then FINALLY this guy goes..."i think it's the sesame oil" and then BAM! i had to check EVERY condiment at her place...

even yesterday, i ask for vinegar and sus goes "what kind? do u want balsamic, red, or apple?" and my initial thought was wow she has so many assortments....well, i should have known better...she has so many assortments b/c she hoards condiments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

 and what's even more bizarre about this whole issue is that sus has 2 beers in the fridge. i asked if i can drink it and she wont let me. i ask her why and she says i wont like it b/c it's too strong...i was SOOOO confused...i mean, it's beer right?? so i just stop asking and didnt bother drinking the stinkin beer.  

and then a week later, she goes "does beer get old? i've had this sitting in the fridge for about a year"  so she's worried about beer getting old after JUST ONE YEAR! but she has all these seasonings that's been there for YEARSSSS but still offers them to me!!

"How old is this?"

"I dont know - just use it"

"ITS FROM 2007! OMG!  it BOGGLES MY MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

i'm over here in the kitchen yapping away full throttle about her old condiments. and frank is sitting on the couch going on and on about how she needs to stop wearign the blue skirt and to wear something else. it was just nonstop.  

franklin prolly walked down to the doorman all the time wondering why i wore my blue skirt agian....

Susan be walkin down the street and people be like "Dayem that's a nice blue skirt".  And then people see her again and they be like "Dayem she wearin that skirt again?!?" A few more times??? Everytime!  I'll be disappointed if I see you and your not wearing that electric blue skirt.  It's your signature look, like cartoon characters that only wear one outfit

between the condiments and my blue skirt. ugh~

 oh yeah. frank turned the knob of my oven to 400 degrees....but he didnt turn it ON. so 20 mins pass.

"ure oven is not on"

it wasnt even on! he just turned the knob,  but its gas so u  have to wait till it flames up.

all meanwhile...

"and the youngin stopped by and dropped off a care package for me with the doormen. frank was hatin!"

i came home to a whole foods bag with a post it stapled to it "4RN". 

proof that kyoung did not allow the youngin upstairs to deliver a care package, which included ice cream.  THEN she made franklin go down and get the bag from the doorman. that is icing on the cake~ like a cherry on top.

frank's response: "who cares about ice cream and yogurt and applesauce. i brought wine like a real man" HAHAHAHHA





derpderp said...

@skimmilk4u - no comments? hahaha.