humans panic. fear is such a strong driver. thats why i bought gold and left it and left it alone. was down a bit earlier....but just left it alone. 2200...indicative of what happeend with irene. overreacting marketing ploy. but they had no choice. better safe to forewarn than have it be worse and ill prepared. and because i downplay everything. i only had enough food for 1.5 meals. just loaded on chips and of course..."im sick of the supermarket. lets go get alcohol".
went to les halles for lunch. oddly enough, it was my first time. esp since i read bourdain. and while people stayed in saturday night. we brought out the umbrella and headed to my favorite place on earth. arang. a nice lil party of 10. bens birthday. and bobbing for soju. TAKE THAT IRENE.
then danny ng on sunday. followed by brinkleys.
some cat sitting in btwn. with 10 dollar per person non metered taxi rides. thanks mta for shutting down. and thank you shady cab drivers.
i uploaded real time. and my viewers texted. WHERE ARE U!. VIRAL!
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