
life's all about probability isn't it?  u just want to place yourself at the best place at the best time.   increase the learning curve and try not to make the same mistakes again.  not much more you can do after a certain point right?  personally, i prefer a natural organic appraoch to life giving heavy value for intangbiles such as "i don't wanna", "peace of mind", "letting the world work as is".  and that learning curve of realizing that "people need to be told", is a reality im having a very annoying time adjusting to.   "if it weren't for you, i wouldn't care.  i take them at face value".  but now i have to point this out to you.  and your learning curve, however quick, is not quick enough.  unfortunately for you, it's an uphill battle.  you caused this yourself, and im sorry about that.  but this is what i want, your choice.  c'est la vie.  

i need to take a vacation.  reset.  a weekend just isn't enough.  need to go away for a week.  and really get away.  it's not like im getting any credit for not taking any vacation this whole year. bamboo ceilings.  im chinese.  where do you draw the line when it comes to some nyc satc girl?  i just don't want it.  and i care about it.  i'm just chinese.  bamboo ceiling.  recently, my new spot has been walking around mad sq park. plopping down at shake shack to people watch and discuss myself.  cuz it's all about myself all the time! dammnit!.  it's cliched.  it's now not just knowing what i don't want, but now knowing what i want.  and thats almost always a drink.  followed by a shot.  

inoteca is still salty.  and peking duck house in chinatown really sucks.  the old one was good when it was on the 2nd floor.  a lil dodgy and seemingly dirty when 一鴨兩吃meant the duck/noodles/ and that awesome milky msg tofu duck soup.  now the infamous peking duck being the tourist bait for people everywhere in every city, has turned the entrees into a flood of "orange chicken" nuances.  absolutely gross...which led to a stomach ache and not such a good time at apotheke.  "need a new pipe.  the novelty is gone.  as a group. no bueno. we can go down the list.  still just need new pipe".  can't believe anny's moving already.  weird.  odd. makes sense.  good luck.

it's 11pm and cinderella didn't have to rush home.  dodged 6 bullets to drink and im nicely home and in bed.  i got 나가수 and chewy and im waiting for hot shot to come home.  increase probability please.  thank you.






Do you ever worry that you won't meet your soulmate?


Remember that episode of Seinfeld when Jerry says that only 5 percent of the population is date-able? Elaine asks, "Then how are the other 95 percent getting together?" Jerry's response? "Alcohol."

When I was single, I felt the same way. I was meeting lots of people--but no one I really wanted to date. And the guys I did like already had girlfriends (or just weren't interested, sad). My mom kept telling me that I would definitely end up with someone fabulous and that I shouldn't worry so much. She said she was 100% sure and that it was normal to worry but that I didn't need to. But it was easy for her to say--she was already blissfully married! And I was 28 (which felt old to me at the time). Plus, New York seemed like the roughest place to date: You're always surrounded by models (honest-to-goodness perfect-skinned, long-legged, 6-foot-tall Ukrainian models), and the guys you meet seem to either be married or a little nuts.

Once I met Alex, I realized that I was silly to have worried so much. We're all such smart, funny and wonderful people, and so many people would be lucky to have us. Why does it often take a relationship to realize that? Plus, as my mom says, "It only takes one person to have met the love of your life!" A while ago, I heard another great quote: "If you knew you were going to meet the love of your life in one year, how different would that year be?" That awesome quote reveals how much we sometimes worry about our dating lives when we could be relaxing and enjoying other parts of our lives.

What's your relationship status? What are your dating woes? Do you ever worry that you're never going to find your soulmate? Do you think your city plays into it? If you're in a relationship, how do you feel now? I would love to hear... xoxo