narrow minded.


"omg.  u love taiwan.  and you're narrow minded...."

"study finds chinese parents lie more often to their kids" - ray kwong, forbes

as much as i love the 2nd generation asian american backlash of the east/west clash...i find this article a little ridiculous. especially post amy chua's poignant "tiger mom" essay...and as the asian culture comes to the forefront of the world...i like where this topic is headed, accurate but taken out of context. please continue your study and string in the bigger picture of cultural differences. publicizing a negative headline of asian parents "lying" is an inaccurate portrayal of asian family values to the world....

i could totally give a first hand account as to how "if you eat another bowl of rice you won't be able to fit through the door" has affected my mental capacity into my adult life in a positive and negative way...

We’re talking about scar-you-for-life whoppers like “Finish all your food or you’ll grow up to be short,” “If you don’t follow me, a kidnapper will come to kidnap you while I’m gone” or “If you don’t behave, I will call the police.”

We’re talking about scar-you-for-life whoppers like “Finish all your food or you’ll grow up to be short,” “If you don’t follow me, a kidnapper will come to kidnap you while I’m gone” or “If you don’t behave, I will call the police.”

According to a new study published in the International Journal of Psychology, 98 percent of Chinese parents admit to telling their children lies just like these.

Far from fibs, Chinese parents go beyond wild exaggerations to blatant manipulative fabrications designed to get kids to do what they (the parents) want. And if that means scaring the bejesus out of their kids, so be it.

One Chinese parent from the study justified lying by saying, “When teaching children, it is okay to use well-intentioned lies. It can promote positive development and prevent your child from going astray.”