the spurs

i remember playing nba jam growing up and i would frequently choose the the sean elliot david robinson duo...(or the shrempf shawn kemp duo)....i loved the west.  (before pat riley came to the knicks).  Since tim duncan has joined the spurs to finally give david robinson a title and then to create a spurs dynasty spanning three decades, they've been known as the championship team that's boring and the one that no one likes.  i've been on that boring spurs bandwagon however this year it's much different.  maybe it's cuz my basketball iq has finally matured (despite never being a player)...i've read enough espn and nba. com to finally understand floor spacing, wing play, weak side screens, backside screens, elbow entry...etc etc...i understand the game flow better...especially from a coaching and game management perspective.  (i even understand the salary cap and cba better) i understand the inside outside, outside inside game...the geometry of the game...the physics....the angles...and from that point of view, i appreciate the spurs as one of the most exciting teams to watch.  and the electric persona that has plagued the spurs media for lacking, i think tony parker is the answer.  his game is absolutely brilliant.  bill simmons was quoted to have seen magic johnson in awe at tony parkers game (court vision and the things he's been doing)   if you love basketball, you have to love what the spurs do as a team, night in and night out.  on top of which....GREG POPOVICH at the podium is awesome.  his dry bitter remarks at dumb questions from the media is great.  much respect.

Q.  And just as a follow‑up to his tremendous career, he has a chance to become a second guy to win a ring in three different decades.  How amazing is it to have sustaining success?  He was in his first Finals 14 years‑‑
COACH GREGG POPOVICH:  Truly amazing.  That's how amazing.  I agree with you.  How amazing?  How am I supposed to answer that?  Really, really amazing.  Not trying to be a wiseguy.  What am I going to say?  He's ridiculous.  He's amazing, as you said.