battery's dead

there's a theory that singles and married shouldn't be hanging out with each other.  1.  the agenda's are different.  one group is out to be committed while the other group is needing to find temptation to indulge in.  2.  as much as couples like to hear about crazy single stories, the single stories do not reflect positively on your friends significant other.  hence it makes hanging out uncomfortable.  3.  the more time that passes, the schism between the two groups becomes greater.  couples gravitate towards each other....and marriage is the stamp that makes me not enjoy married humor.  i have very little appreciation for them.  to the point where i almost seem patronizing.

in my defense.  im not over thinking.  it's that i didn't enjoy the afternoon and thought about why.  it's not that i'm over thinking, it's that i have gotten trouble for being temptation in the past and that reputation even though debatably repaired is still unavoidable because only single people are used as scapegoats and excuses for nights out.  i'm not over thinking, because i don't want my single life to lead me into casual flings but rather legit relationships for myself.  and so i dont need my genuine goal of being eventually monotonous to be misinterpreted.  i'm not over thinking because things like 3 percent battery still cracks me up.

and i just got a text..."by the time you come back i'll probably be in a relationship"