
뒹굴means roll around.  it really should mean run away.  cuz that's what he did. IN BATTERY PARK!  he doesn't respond to his name, he runs away when you go to him.  he runs at you when u walk away.  he doesn't eat human food.  he gorges on dog food.  loves socks.  loves slippers.  barks at nothing.  barks at the wall.  barks at the dark.  and is just confusing as heck to take care.  i could go on and on and on...i'm good with dogs.  i'm good as a dog sitter.  dogs come to my house as a vacation.  summer camp.  i'm santa clause and they eat, play, swim, get chubby, get fit,  high intake high output.  that's casa chin.  but 뒹걸 is more like...a korean girl.  밀당 & 눈치 needed.  no matter now...i'm attached.  멍멍!