friends academy

"its in your pedigree to get married late.  that's what we do.  we leave our dads."

it never ceases to amaze me how well my high school friends know me.  i went to a private quaker school and graduated with a class of 65 whom i had been with since 6th grade.  we were a privileged and sheltered group that remains a family network regardless of how sporadically i see them.

it's much easier for asians to understand each other because of the cultural differences.  my caucasian high school peers will make typical white comments confusing asian cultures with one another.  however their specific bond with me far supercedes anything cultural.  they know me.  they know my family.  they know my persona, my family, my upbringing since the beginning.  they know me so well that it doesn't take much for them to make comments that strike at the heart of what im going through right now.

"u still have ur dad.  when u lose your dad...u can't stay in that house.  it's too weird"