u never go full chinese....

"are you korean?"
"no im chinese. what nationality are you?"
"i'm half korean. half spanish"

ed turns to me and interjects "oh well, that's way better than full chinese"

this spawned the question.  koreans love being korean.  the way chomo loves being korean.  dcho loves being korean.  but do u know any chinese people that love being chinese?  embracing chinese?  find the the chinese equivalent of a korean person craving kimchi.  loving to talk about wife beating.  grunting.  chanting dae han min gook at every turn.  even people with bad korean, quoting korean phrases....koreans love being korean.  find me a chinese that loves being chinese. 

17261_411401550230_579890230_10539973_1077329_n by slurpyderpy

jump party~~~>>> bar 89....