an ordeal.

there are certain people im friends with that for one reason or another doing things with them is a complete ordeal.  (see lax post).  this time, it's the simple task of ordering breakfast from the local diner.  a day with victor always seems as though u're in slow motion.  everything seems to take forever.  the agenda is never really an agenda.  more of a guideline of how to squander hours away from doing nothing.  mostly laughing and making gay comments about each other.  and while it took a good hour to finally figure out what establishment we'd order breakfast from, it took a good 10 minutes for the order to be processed between us passing the phone back and forth and the spanish guy on the end of the phone.  when the food arrived...i happened to be in the bathroom, and the other two dimwits had zero cash on them.  so they decided that with no cash, hiding in the room would be funny.  waited for me to come out and then i happened to have no cash.  and so it took another 10 minutes on top of the 10 minutes the delivery guy had already waited, for the restaurant to process the card number.  what an ordeal.  haha. funny.