I can't remember the last time I xanga'd

Woot! I have the honor of guest-blogging on Derpy's xanga!

Let me first start by explaining that I am sitting in a coffee shop in Ann Arbor, Michigan where I have been parked with mugs of coffee trying to find the concentration to prepare for interviews and submit resumes. In my universe, this is crunch time. It's Make It, Break It, Game Face week. So naturally, I am blogging. I am sitting with FB opened up silently cracking up to my lonesome trying not to be distracted by Alex. Laughing at how much, even after 15 years together, he completes me.

Sure, his parents will probably harbor some resentment at me for adding to the derailment of his Harvard Career. But in my defense, while I may have been an early bad-influence in his life, things quickly flipped. I am now the good one. I endorse morality, functionality, practicality. In return, Alex offers to come to the Midwest so he can observe how many Michiganders wear fleeces. Wants to see people who eat carbs. Doesn't believe that there are places outside of NY where people don't feel the need for skim milk.

Some beautiful moments from Monday:

Scenes from Sak's 10022-SHOE:
Me, returning from the bar with a glass of Sparkling Voss: "I hope sparkling water's ok"
Alex: "Oh, I *only* drink sparking"

from Bloomingdale's:
Confronted with two different options at dBurke: Table vs. Self-serve, we, in such graceful synchronicity you would think we had rehearsed it, turn our backs on the self-service option and proceed to down the sparkle bubs, some Ketel and critique the deep-fried, mayo laden taco fiasco before us.

Walking up Lex
Alex: "What is that hat? A... Northface?"
Me: "No, it's called Hard Wear. I also have a down coat from them. It's really warm"
Alex: "It reminds me of Home Depot. Don't you care about hat hair anymore?
Me: "No, I need to stay warm!"
Alex: *expression of horror*

@ Dinner:
Alex: "Esther, explain to Mike how you were going to get to the airport"
Me: "I was going to grab the Airtran from Penn Station to Newark. It's only $15 and I can avoid traffic!"
Mike: "Why? Just take a car service"
Alex: "See? Just take a car service!"
Me: "Traffic! It's easier!"
Alex: "But... then you have to be amongst ... the people"

Dear Alex:
It's true. I am sitting in the Midwest, wearing a fleece. It cost me under $50. I am also wearing sweatpants. Don't worry - they are at least J. Crew. And I have Chucks on. But they are the Varvatos kind. So I think we can still be friends. But then again, I ate a bagel for breakfast. A BAGEL.

In your defense though, you did agree that the $1,200 Chanel wallet was extreme. It's nice to know you're still grounded. That there are still borders.