do you have grit?

it was a good thing i listened to this video before answering this question

she describes grit as passion and perseverance for very long term goals.   the word grit has this connotation of people that have persevered through tough situations and have the determination to follow through with their goals.  i believe i have this discipline.  i have this stubbornness and pedigree that often times naturally puts me ahead of the curve.  HOWEVER, i do not come from a "gritty background".  in fact my privileged background very so evident in my social demeanor, take away from my credibility of hard work and perseverance.   Angela Lee then calls this grit a "growth mind set".  the ability to learn is not fixed and can change with your effort, which i believe i have.  this term better describes grit qualities as a behavioral trait secular from it's connotations of "growing up in the hood".   so this long term goal, slow planning is much more evident as i push into my 30's.  i've come full circle to put all my talents's just taken longer to blossom...and this in itself is a growth mindset.  esp since i'm known to be a home run hitter.  this could be a good year.