challenge taiwan...

seriously...what the eff did i get myself into?  i was in pretty good shape before i left for the states.  (i got my 2km swim down to 45min)...working out everyday.  and really picked up on the swimming when i was in singapore.  even my 7 day stint in jakarta was a solid detox and i worked out pretty much everyday.  then came a 2 day binge in taiwan.  followed with a 10 day 2 wedding binge.  followed by a 4 day cooking and eating extravaganza at home...followed by another weekend binge in LA.  i arrived back in taiwan this week only to sleep for 2 days straight and finally work out today.  which included a dip in a freezing pool where i only lasted a half ass 30 minutes.  how in blazes am i going to do this 6am nonetheless....
