fiscal cliff...can kicking

fiscal policy is a tricky thing.  it's very human.  it's constantly forging ahead, growing, consuming and before it can correct problems, it advances exponentially.  hence the retroactive fixes will always be fractional to any solution provided.  kicking the can down the road is the best we can do, however we can't publicly acknowledge a broken system.  We need to propagate more and expect less.  that's just another part of human nature isn't it?  today's debt ridden society is a prime example of this.  for america debt is just a cyclical number.  we grow by overspending.  we print money to overspend.  and we fix overspending by printing more.  regulations try to fix this problem   and as a race we persist regardless of the outcome.  so in essence isn't failing part of our master plan anyways?

america and europe stare back and forth at each other with giant deficits trying to find new ways and new countries to absorb their debt, yet a country like taiwan finances its own debt domestically.  en route from taoyuan airport to taipei city, i stare at the fast completing subway line stretching alongside the highway into the city.  with hk's airport rail over 10 years old, i wonder what's taken taiwan so long to finally commission this project?  isn't debt just a number?  please allow foreign borrowing in projects like this as a stepping stone to more foreign investments, creating expat markets.  =)   

debt ceilings, tax increases, bail-outs - if i were the one saying "just fully leverage it...cuz it's just a number"  would i be castrated as the socially irresponsible one? (then again, i wasn't around during the crisis 1997)...anyway, as i read these news analysts analyze;  I tend to gravitate towards their metaphoric sound bytes like "entitlement spending",  "budgetary brinkmanship", "fixed today, hobbled tomorrow".  band-aid living is like a "push" at the casino.  you "push" until you can find a good enough hand to double down on.  things still have the opportunity to turn around very quickly.  
