beer goes on come it's not the same with the new age of metrosexuals...and with metropolis cities raking in much of the margin on beverages....there would be quite the ruckus if shiseido and budweiser got conscious consumers would probably drink ur low carb boutique vodka....geffen + shiseido?....i mean...seriousslly....getting away with beer goggle looks only works for the first dark and hazy night...if ur skin is suposed to recover in less than 5 days time before the first coherent date (hour)....its impossible without some help....but imagine the endless marketing possibilties....welcome to the era of jack and diet coke......

i, on the other hand, succumbed to night number two of media plugs....took down 1000cc of kirin before bed, before passing out, thanks to vince vaughn reaching for a beer every 5 minutes during "the breakup".....he's hilarious...



i think im sick of yoga.....i've moved onto the elliptical machine....


u know the "see it on tv and want it" syndrome?  well, other than that serious jiggly wiggly machine that simulates an internal "geo-techtronic biological earthquake" in a means to lose weight....there's only one other thing that triggers this syndrome for me...


oh....i've taken supermarket runs mid-rental just because "mr dicaprio" was eating nacho's....on that occassion, i think me and esther both knew that our nachos weren't going to taste anything close to the ideal robusto of the commercialized tgi-fridays nacho's....but oh the mental anguish of not having them was horrendous.....and so....if that wasn't a marker for patterns set early in life....last night i saw "mr maguire" eating i, in due fashion, went fobstyle on the midnight chip-run.....sweet and salty popcorn, wasabi peas minus the wasabi, tawain potato chips - (linguine with clam sauce flavored), sour cream pringles, rocher chocolate, and BAR BEER........

im bloated and feeling terrible. (i swear....its the other half thats ovulating, not me)

as if long hair wasn't getting annoying enough due to the 'long hair rule' in seven good hair my one ruined by part hair product, part humidity.....equalling....addams IT greaseball...

a blur. all i remember is a lot of chips and cereal afterwards...the exact same thing i had tonight....=)

while janie spent her day boring stuff

me and kimminatorrrr had much more fun being stylists......

we took some shots of our own

even her aunt came and joined the fun

 the group pic


i used to trade dessert recipies through email...and p00h once replied an email with BAR enthusiasm...leading me then to peruse the "bar" books at the bookstore...3 years later...i've become bar crazed myself...but instead of enjoying sticks o'indulgence, my own nugat riptide would come more in the form of a, not johnnie walker in bar form (for all u loyal readers), but the essence of the powerbar, the protein bar, the energy bar and ergo the shit-tasting bar........

a bar sitting next to a nice tall glass of indocafe (sans milk and sugar) causes for a great pre-workout jolt of faux-energy....and while i should be worried about the health consequences, im really only concerned with it staining my teeth......

man...even im getting sick of my own vanity.....

as if my addiction to the plastic bottles atop the fridge wasn't enough...i've recently added one more to the collection of pain killers, antacid, vitamins and hangover 3mg a pill...u'd think it wouldn't work so well...even if you popped 4 at a time....well, it doesn' why stop at 4...lets now try 24mg over the span of 6 hours....and if you're still not sleeping by then....check to see if the person next to you is....oops, guess not....maybe it's just cuz i'm hungry??

"being a leg model is hard".....hahaha.........

there are soo many self-help books on how to live longer, live better, live in peace, be better to your healthy..exercise...and they all preach moderation to control yourself from the soo many temptations of the world....and all these books would obviously presume that people innately know how to do all these temptatious BAD things to their own bodies to such a degree where the pleasure and fun ovveride better judgement of well-being...

this of course is not the case....

perfecting the art of fun...and forgetting that you're taking years off the backend is quite an art...and as it may seem that i am proud of this's more that it's just the acceptance i've sacrificed towards befriending my alcoholic commrades....and so as there must be ways to perfect your body/perfect your well-being....maybe "asia gone wild" will come out with a self-help book on how to "order the extra bottle"....

but to sum all this nonsense up....i'm scared....THEY are coming....loptop and crew will be here in a week...OH i'm now cutting back consumption....for the over consumption that will ensue next week...lordy lordy.....

i need a drink.


2003 - when omygawditswill found out i was working in a lab part time, he tried on many drunken occassions to get me to veer my career path away from pro-longing life but rather pro-longing death....or vice versa?  goal: caloric free whiskey....but as witnessed by the LOPS most recent post, calorie free and carb-free just aren't good enough for the average consumer coca-cola and pepsi have diversified their line of beverages for all ends of consumer, educated and non, herb and carnivore, etc....i too will enhance/diversify my health-conscious beverage line, running alongside the chaser pill, well under the fda radar, the new line will gear the vain towards the acceptance of liver scerosis as long as external beauty remains intact....move over lowcal jdubs here comes...v.2point-0rg..0rganic jdubs grizzle.....

branding it next to tony little's "gazelle" and "pilates plus" organic jdubs grizzle will start a new health crazed formean will have to redesign the LMGrillin' machine to include beverage holders designed for the titanium-square bottled delicacy...gnc won't need to stock centrum anymore....the new beverage, chock full of vitamins and minerals, fulfills 100% of most supplement needs....and of course....plenty o' antioxidants....good for your skin....good for your pho skin....

i might have to make the women's version with green tea extract

and a men's version with tiger penis...

besides the fact 9 of 10 google search results will tell you alcohol is not good for weight loss....HERE'S THE VITAL SEARCH RESULT....

Alcohol contains calories, but drinking alcohol doesn't lead to weight gain, according to extensive medical research, and many studies report a small reduction in weight for women who drink. 1


there was probably good reason, because i SUCKED, that i hung up my fantasy cleats 3 years ago....but other than sobering up from the addiction of fantasy sports....i've completely detached myself from the wide world of sports's really quite a startling espn, no, no live games....and more specifically, no desire to follow the sports that i used to watch....minus the exception of worldcup..... 

my macaully days are over....janie's last day of work was friday...and now she's next to me burping away in bed whining about the next meal.....

ever listen to a compilation so much that when you hear songs individually out of this context you're half expecting the next song on the compilation to follow?  we made a wav file of this ekin song and made it disco's windows startup music (alongside other "juna-error" wav files)...and after the first chorus will squealed "i love you disco"....everytime i hear this song, i'm hearing, in my head, "i love you disco" after the chorus part....

this photoblog has been titled by lop as the place to have your worst pictures displayed for public here's one for the ages...

oh she's gonna kill me...=)

it's amazingly frustrating how much my mind has control of things i strive sure this might goes for everyone....but for me, looking in's the same stubborn discipline which gives me determination simultaneously predetermines the actual goal (not to mention undermining the course of action to reach it)..... of course this forumla comes with a variable....most likely that of laziness, insecurities and prejudice....truly unfortunate....truly frustrating....

"blogs have given the people a chance to stop yelling at the TV and have a say in the process" - friedman

the internet bubble bust made internet free for everyone...the investing of computers and overlaying of fiber optics all over the world is already past its beginnings of changing the worlds ways economically, politically and for purposes here, socially.....the power to upload makes anyone anything they want with a computer and will publish your book entirely online, a garageband no longer needs the garage just the program....a journalist no longer needs to work at a news firm....

"a new blog is created every 7 seconds....this army of citizen journalists needs nothing more than a tape recorder, a camera-enabled cell phone, and a website....." - friedman

i'm no journalist, but armed with a camera that does both record and take images, i have slowly portrayed myself as this army of party-connoisseurs going buck wild at every turn....which has created this no-barrier REPUTATION that has given the power to the people to try to look for me at any scent of i have to live up to this?  and because this page documents my familiarity with asia's corners of debauchery....apparently, i'm now the liason btwn foreigners and a night of fun....i mean..vanwilder was a movie wasn't it?  just wait till victor gets to asia....

along with having the unescapable reputation of partyanimal....the other title given to me would be that of a "talker"....hence the push for radio dj.....well....if i were on air live every morning....i'd be drinking gatorades, double fisting waters, downing coffees, taking 5 minute beer-shit breaks and talking about the first topic of every to rid the hangover....

actually if i think about it....other than always "having something to say"....all immediate topics of conversation could be turned into BOOKS....of course anything can be turned into books these days....urban outfitters loves carrying these books of nonsense...101 sex positions...101 ways to drink we can add....

101 POSES FOR THE CAMERA>....and my other creation.....BUFFET STRATEGY....

i've posted in the past how to attact a buffet properly....but i really just depends on your bottom try everything? to eat without dying? to get your money's worth? to last the longest? to get all u can drink beer? to eat and stay slim? i mean....the bottom line is that you shouldn't be at a buffet if you're not gonna be a gluttonous pig.....and as stupid as i have been the past starting to make up for it with my recent visits to all-you-can-eat establishments 3x this week!@#?!@.....  (i would have to credit the buffet for my no show to ladies night yesterday)...i start with a salad to make sure it helps push everything down....or make sure you're going to take the biggest shit the next day....but its death in the end regardless....3.5 hours eating last night...and im still shit....

off to yoga....3rd time this week....getting kind of addicted...even though im horrible at it.....

i'll catch quotes anywhere i see, hear or read'em and jot them down, post them it just came to me that there was something that struck me of the 3 movies i've seen the past 3 days.....transamerica, tokyo drift, and capote....however...i can't remember what its about....

but...since capote was the most recent, he keeps saying that he can recall 94% of what he my 94% is right up here on this site....the other 6%....lets just call it negligible....eek~

well....i am back at the gym up close to 4 hours daily...results?...sure...but i've incorporated 1. less running and 2. more stretching...and by that i mean..YOGA>...i am absolutely the biggest person in the class, the biggest clutz in the class, the biggest puddle in the class, the biggest WORST in the class.....but it was expected...



there's been a recent initiative of my friends to endorse me for taiwan radio personality...

the proven business plan in many foreign countries is to import anything from the states and sell it....and on most levels it sells, even when its oversaturated with ridiculous items, concepts and pop culture....there's really no deterrent to continue doing why underdevelop it....for instance, hip hop music? will pan has started putting rims and escalades in his pseudo-hiphop videos...but why stop at that?...cloak jay chou in ice...and get him a grill?...nah...lets say that for me.....hahahhaa......and when external beauty rules the entire continent of asia....why not adopt dave chappelle's idea to take botox to the next level.....BOTOXED BALLS?....SMOOTHEST BALLS IN ASIA? would love that.....hairless, muscle free, wrinkle free asian men roaming the real need to imagine the spokesperson...just take a look at the profile pic.....

"tired of wrinkled balls?"

i just saw tokyo drift last night.....MAN>>> WASN"T HAN COOOOL??? growing my hair out....

Sung Kang in Universal Pictures' The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift

after a full week of hanging out with the girl that makes me have to tone down the utter ridiculousness of my vain- being....even i am starting to say...."i'm ugly..." or the other one...."i'm fat..."....of which after saying repeatedly sarcastically....or hopefully sarcastically 100 plus times in 2 hours...has slowly become a vanity affair....because as of 10 minutes ago....i put on fake lashes and eye liner during our 1 hour stint at the after hour "eat eat" which....i, keeeping to figure...did not eat....hahaha.....of course i won't post those pictures...and so with no celeb citings other than us fools camera hungry...i'll indulge y'all with just US.....