rokkan holiday party.

could only one year have passed since last years infamous "strapping alex to a chair, holding his head back and pouring bottles of liquor down his throat?"  i puked on chomos shredder, puked on his floor and puked in his bathroom.  at that time, it was my first trip back to NY in close to 2 years.  and i arrived the day of my birthday.  only one year since....and look how things are now? 

this years holiday party?  greene and grand. almost got lost and went to chomos instead.  chung didn't do the ordering so all we had was smirnoff and j&b whiskey.  i ate some meatballs and victor played some ping pong.  victor got really drunk and really sweaty.  and then we went to chomos.  and the highlight of the night was a 3k 75lb lamp crashing to the floor.  here is the next day's recap.  from chomo:

funny thing is u were both hugging me from behind the couch...i was sitting on the couch...frank was hugging me from behind then victor came up or more like stumbled up and hugged all of us...then down goes the lamp

then from mikey chau:

u shoulda seen victor after the lamp went down.  he started shuffling backwards into a corner with his head a bad puppy...."i didn't do it...."







