birthday dinner 4 days post the actual day.  and on the 9th day of 'intake', it seems like ur body wants to quit.  and ur body wants to die.  but it never does.  youth is both a gift.  and a demon.  ha!  and what is the deal with the high sodium foods being the perfect accoutrement for vodka?  charcuterie plate.  cheeses. burraaattta....mmmmm.  OLIVES!  when chungs ordering, even if the menu isn't fully equipped with appetizers, he finds a way to make it that way.  over order and deal with it later.  perfect when i have commitment phobia to entrees.  getting stuck with a sh*tty entree, a sh*tty chilean sea bass with mango sauce, or a wild salmon over mashed potatoes just sounds uber boring.  u get stuck with it and u gotta get full of it.  GAH!  so we ordered everything and shared everything instead.  and i had 8 ketel and soda's in btwn. washed down by patron. the bond street for more patron.  cuz that's what we do.  i was dp'ed with two spoons of cake by hien and van.  we had a home wrecking conversation for a bit cuz that's what i do.  i guess? i fed some strawberries to hien and  got a kiss on the cheek in return.  awesome!


u feed me.  i feed u!



everybody loves hien!





great kisser!


**hiram was driving...saw some asian jumping on the street and thought..that could be chung....IT IS CHUNG!**

while we had dinner.  the boys at the lair did this. hahaha. (im not a fan of nypdpsi and they will name me bandit..hahaha)

we've made contact with nyu pdpsi

meeboguest597592: hey hao
meeboguest597592: you there
haonanzhang: hi
haonanzhang: who's this?
meeboguest597592: we're alumni
haonanzhang: haha
meeboguest597592: from nyu
haonanzhang: suppppp
meeboguest597592: just checking out the site
haonanzhang: nice
haonanzhang: you like it?
meeboguest597592: nice work, but wheres our picts
haonanzhang: lol.
meeboguest597592: pictures
haonanzhang: send it to me!!
meeboguest597592: alrigth
haonanzhang: send me your profiles too!
haonanzhang: lol
haonanzhang: oh and if you want emails too. i can hook you up
meeboguest597592: we'll cover alphas to zetas
haonanzhang: wait. who is this though?
meeboguest597592: victor hsu
meeboguest597592: aka fathom
meeboguest597592: jump shoes
haonanzhang: yeah
haonanzhang: alum
haonanzhang: really alum
haonanzhang: lol
meeboguest597592: i have her with me brothers special k and aquaman
haonanzhang: OH SNAP
haonanzhang: aite
haonanzhang: hi guys
meeboguest597592: yes, the titans are all under the same roof tonight
haonanzhang: where you guys at?
meeboguest597592: we're having our weekly alumni meeting
haonanzhang: hey. can you send me everyone's contact info?
haonanzhang: ie. email, name, cell?
meeboguest597592: we have a house near union sq
meeboguest597592: we are the splinter organization of the alumnis
meeboguest597592: alright
haonanzhang: btw
haonanzhang: i'm PE next semester
haonanzhang: so...if you want. i'll make sure they interview y'all
meeboguest597592: cool
meeboguest597592: we're pretty close to campus
meeboguest597592: let us know if you need any involvement in our part
haonanzhang: do you thinkn
haonanzhang: we can do rush events at your place?
meeboguest597592: are there hookers involved?
haonanzhang: you mean
meeboguest597592: jk lol
haonanzhang: freshman girls?
haonanzhang: yes
meeboguest597592: hahaha
meeboguest597592: yes we were not JK
haonanzhang: aite
haonanzhang: but yeah
haonanzhang: how did you guys
haonanzhang: get to this site?
meeboguest597592: i like where the fraternity is headed
haonanzhang: google?
haonanzhang: or just... typed
meeboguest597592: just checked out the site
meeboguest597592: weve been monitoring your activities from afar
haonanzhang: hahahahaha
haonanzhang: but yeah
haonanzhang: when i crossed
haonanzhang: i mean
haonanzhang: ever since i crossed
haonanzhang: sp 08
haonanzhang: this website has been my baby
haonanzhang: getting pretty good ROI on this thing
meeboguest597592: yea, thats good to hear
haonanzhang: Baruch Beta Phi Sigma  contacted us for a mixer
haonanzhang: through teh site
haonanzhang: last summer
haonanzhang: and we've been on really good terms with them
haonanzhang: ever since
haonanzhang: and now
haonanzhang: the you guys
haonanzhang: contact us through this
haonanzhang: thanks
meeboguest597592: this is johns email
meeboguest597592: number 917 887 5602
meeboguest597592: he's the one with the house near union square
meeboguest597592: but we all chill around here
haonanzhang: what's his email?
haonanzhang: cool
meeboguest597592: did the fall pledges just cross
haonanzhang: yep
haonanzhang: crossed
haonanzhang: right before thanksgiving
meeboguest597592: alright man, keep in touch
haonanzhang: can i get the contact info of everyone else?
meeboguest597592: later
haonanzhang: or yeah
haonanzhang: email it to me then
meeboguest597592: talk to john
haonanzhang: AY AY. l8rs then
meeboguest597592: victor will send you the pics
haonanzhang: aite
haonanzhang: nice
meeboguest597592: ay
meeboguest597592: alumni out!