
growing up, i always envied the tight knit korean community with it's communal church congregations.  compared to the chinese community in the white suburbs, the korean community seemed to be tight knit, socially assimilated through the age groups and i attributed this all to weekly church congregations since birth.  the social circle of faith then parlayed itself into hak won, tennis camp, summer camp, etc.  something that i seemed to always be on the outside looking in.  so it's sad to come to the realization that the nfl season is coming to close to an end.  as it is, present day, for my peers, the bonding excuse for lazy sundays and monday night football family dinner. 

everyone makes it out on monday night.  the single crowd is always there.  and the non single are given a free night from the gf cuz they just put in a full weekend of west elm and 5th avenue.  monday nights at the lair consist of football, poker and recaps.  recap of the weekend.  and if someone has taken a trip, it's a recap of the trip with pictures on the big screen.  normally, people detox after a crazy trip away.  for us, chung always brings liquor.  and we always laugh till our faces cramp up.  and 8 people sign on my facebook account commenting and causing trouble.    and if we're not detoxing on mondays, it should mean for most people after a trip, that we would be detoxing for the rest of week.  that's exactly the opposite.  weekend trips + a monday recap, stirs the email chain into a frenzy that leads to excuse for a tuesday night family holiday dinner.  ktown.

and ktown turned into a 3 bottle grey goose, 3 platter anjoo, 6am mess. 

1. i'll punch him right out of the water.
2. we finally figured out the lops grabbing technique.  "the fall"..."the stand up and reach back"
3. 老兄...如果沒有朋友就沒有一切
4. chomo....u wouldn't have had fun anyway.  stay home more often.
5. all u hear from the corner is..."I WILL NOT MAKE OUT WITH U"
6. c'mon guys....don't tell the story....(5 sec pause)....he tells the story himself.
7. CAN YOU HANDLE THIS?  (then his pants fall)

all of these secret side conversations going on.



tilt your head to view this pic.  oo la la.
IMG01275-20091216-0031 by slurpyderpy

i realize that i don't have many pix of myself....

IMG01276-20091216-0033 by slurpyderpy

and if i do.  im doing bad things. kekeke.

for ed shin. aka robocop.


don't they look alike?

IMG01278-20091216-0033 by slurpyderpy

hahaha...these are hilarious...
IMG01280-20091216-0034 by slurpyderpyIMG01277-20091216-0033 by slurpyderpyIMG01279-20091216-0034 by slurpyderpy

group shot.

oh lop.


frank joon pyo hong!