if singapore had any ounce of excitement....i might say that this coffee bean outdoor seating area in holland village, is a prime target for potential high speed chase scene, screeching tires making the right turn into this alley wildly fishtailing out of control, completely sidesweeping everyone in my immediate vicinity. the awning would collapse, the motorized fan blades above me would be lodged in someones skull and papaya's from the non existent fruit truck parked across the street would be splattered across the piled tables and chairs and broken limbs heaped along the shattered windowfront of the store.
ronin? bourne ultimatum? something along those lines. i know. i'm a nutjob. my head is kind of hurting. i don't think i ate much last night and after 5 days of detox. i went for beer and whiskey @ j bar. the band rocked. then went for dinner @ esmiralda (hanging skewers of meat). and more beers @ some ramen place in cuppage. moving on......
dear miss ami. as per the "real aussie" comment
other than a mister kenn, australians haven't been giving me the greatest impression on being a country focused on quick intellect. (granted i know a total of ~10 ozzies). they are most definitely laid back and refreshingly friendly however, but when it comes to witty and on-the-money, maybe a tad under par. my reasons for this rant? because i was at dinner with 2 middle aged deep rooted aussies and other than the fact that it was pulling teeth to break the ice, this one woman's close ended responses were killin' me. the "YEH YEH"...."OH YEH" ...."YEH YEH YEH YEH YEH YEH YEH YEH YEH" ......that's the aussie response to everything, it'd be nice to continue the "YEH's" with some added phrases...but it just continues with MORE "YEH's"......! my goodness!
dont talk to my friend like that you lil bitch!
(u like that ami? hehehe)
You know, there's a rather large difference between Australians in Singapore, and just Australians in general. When are you coming again? Summer is around the corner!
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