my xanga needs an alter ego

For the fourth year in a row, nearly seven miles of Manhattan streets will be cleared of cars on three consecutive Saturdays in August for the DOT's popular "Summer Streets" series. - when i get sent stuff like initial reaction is how do i make money off of this.  should i be selling water? gatorade?  can i sabotage an intersection with tacks and sell air pumps and new tires on the next block?  how do i capitalize.  and it's come to my attention that i need to create a new blog in order to blog about the newest adventure in my life.  last week i went to a client dinner in which this lady (w 2 girls 18 and 16 respectively) kept asking me how the dating scene was these days specifically in reference to online dating.  i proceeded to explain how internet dating taboo's are long gone because today, everyone has an internet persona.  fb, IM, email etc.  it has just become another medium for meeting people.  in the end, it's a probability game and your actions work accordingly with these new parameters.  "so are you on it?" she asks.  "no, but i know a lot of people on it".  when i went home later that night, i wondered "why am i not on it?"  i essentially convinced myself already.  so at 11pm on a saturday night.  yes i stayed at home,  i signed up.  didn't pay yet.  but i signed up.  

2 days later.  i've winked at 4.  been winked at 5x.  received 1 email (which i haven't been able to view yet because i didn't subscribe) and noticed certain trends in profiles and age and ethnic diversity.  what this thing does is that it really pinpoints your tastes in women.  it forces you to create a specific profile of yourself outside of pictures.  it forces you to enter a search criteria.  and it very quickly lays out in a row which girls you like.  your type is blatantly transparent from that point on.  it's like facebook with much clearer intentions.  

and everyone i fall in love with....falls under her category.  willowy. =)

zhou weitong.

"i forgot to tell you the last time you showed me this chick...she looks like an amalgamation of all the chicks you've ever dated...this is why you love her" - SCHANG.