tw part 2.

taiwan is like home for me.  i wasn't born there.  i didn't go back every summer growing up.  in fact, my only association to taiwan were the years i spent there in my mid twenties.  as easily as i reacclimated back to new york last year, to finally go back to taiwan this time,  i realized tw molded a lot of who i am today.  gave me balance behind american-americanism...and a global asiany perspective on life.  the idiosyncracies of my life have now been subtly meshed with 排骨飯,火鍋, not too sweet palate, 綜合爆米花, raw chili's, the love for sesame oil and some other stuff. after weeks of not sleeping, and a birthday on a plane.  i slept.  13 hours.  and then we had a talk.  home sweet home.





QUUBE on monday night.