an ordeal.

lax getting married probably causes more problems for me than i can complain about and i openly complain about his wedding a lot.  for one, the fact that he's getting married has probably single handedly caused my mom to get on my case about marriage.  "hey mom, what do you want for your birthday?"  "i want stability in your life."...oh look your friends academy friends are all married....they have kids"when are my grand kids coming"'s funny cuz i spent a certain portion of the night sitting next to the neighbor, a miss joanna novick, about the similarities of the asian and jew moms.  they fit the same mold, want the same mold of spouse for their kids and apply the same kind of pressure.  the kids fittingly similar, all find their own ways to rebel...accordingly.  and i have to keep mentioning that i am still under the weather yet i find a way to power through, only to get sicker in the process and only getting drunker in the process.  2 days of wedding.  2 nights of debauchery.  and one dead alex by the next week. 

it's good to see my hs friends again.

first night, midtown.  then ps450. then covet.




