the nickname "cameltoe hannah" is one of those great free-associations that was developed in my college days that has decided to implant itself in my memory forever. the difference this time around is that she has moved to calipornia and is on her way to getting married. that sparked the epiphany i had last night. as the years pile up, and these friends that i used to see everyday for that certain time frame of my life (college, hs, summer program, work, etc), now i only get to see them once every few years. and we probably get dinner and probably get some drinks. the next time i see them, someone's going to likely be introducing a wife, and a few years after that maybe some kids. then 20 years down the line, someone is saying to their children "i've known uncle alex since i was about your age, we used to...blah blah blah". my dad would always introduce these random friends that he was best buddies with back in tw, indo, middle school, college etc...and i was always rolling my eyes at the lack of communication...and here i realize the same thing is going on with me, probably an even more exaggerated comparison because my parents came to the US for a better life and I sidestepped the option to stay in this "better life" to go back abroad. c'est la vie.
attacking a soon to be married woman is quite a bit of fun...especially when she's checking out my breasts.
unfortunately she's given up twinkies...but i know she's still got the dance moves (the fax machine paper jam is my all time fav) "bumblebee tuna down the aisle!"
so-crates is still a so-crates...
all u can eat shabu shabu is not a good choice before a whiskey bar.
then of course SIHAN showed up and all hell broke loose.
and his trouble maker girlfriend downing whiskey sour drinks.
underneath the new look black framed glasses/fitted blazer simon leung, california has also added the "don't drink and drive" responsibility gene. "i would love to just pound one right now...that's what i would love...i just can't"
these pics were bound to happen
trying to pick up chicks with my bandaged arm.
what's this girl's name好眼熟!
@shinypink - elaine.
hmm..i don't recall at all. maybe just another 學姊 that i've seen before in a yearbook or something :)
good times!
@lilgolfb0i - always is. back in 2 weeks.
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