
there's always the line "hey...hook me up with your friends"

but people (GIRLS) always seem to be so wary of hooking people up where they think they'll treat them wrong or pre judging them as bad mate candidates....

so there's the new line

"hey, you know anyone u hate? ....that is good looking or cute?...we'll put the smash on"

May 30, 2007

Sperm: The new crack

In perhaps the best titled article ever, "Crying Over Spilled Semen," Psychology Today reports on a study that basically says women are addicted to semen. Hilarious.

The finding that women who do not use condoms during sex
are less depressed and less likely to attempt suicide than are women
who have sex with condoms and women who are not sexually active, leads
one researcher to conclude that semen contains powerfulnd potentially
addictiveood-altering chemicals.

Study author Gordon G. Gallup, Ph.D., a psychologist at the State
University of New York in Albany, also found that women who routinely
had intercourse without condoms became increasingly depressed as more
time elapsed since their last sexual encounter. There was no such
correlation for women whose partners regularly used condoms.

Gallup also found that women who did not use condoms were most
likely to initiate sex and to seek out new partners as soon as a
relationship ended: "These women are more vulnerable to the rebound
effect, which suggests that there is a chemical dependency."

Gallup also says he's planning on examining whether "semen withdrawal" places women at an increased risk for depression. Yeah. Well I guess the best way to avoid semen addiction is to never get started. I'm sure that will go over well.

Posted by Jessica at 11:24 AM
| in Humor
, Sex

i'm a dork. i know.

vegeoil, diesel, alternate energy.


moonbunny said...

dude i tried that once.  'i don't like this girl but she's alright looking, wanna date her?'  hahahahaha but then ppl were like wtf if you don't like her why would i.  anyway i'm all about "introductions" - introducing my girls to guys, but the rest is up to them so i get no blame :P
ps i have a bunch of single female friends right now...

moonbunny said...

well DUH i can't tell, you're always in a new country each entry practically... sheesh!  when you're stateside, tell swan and i'm sure something can be arranged for you to meet some single lady friends o'mine :P