
we did it again...

ktv. 18.


i saw the constant gardener last weekend and for some reason i can't get that movie out of my head...and i consciously don't think i have any activisit in me.  watching it partly probably jolted an ounce of warmblooded soul and partly questioned my true globe trekking mentality....could i go to africa?  i've always wanted to go to africa for a safari....a honeymoon trip would be cool....but...kenya?  in this part of the world you're just not as exposed to certain global issues of the world, there are no activists about stuff like euthanasia....the issue of exploitation i assume is just accepted because it's not just a way of's the survival of an entire countries gdp out here....the activisit energy is just no where to be found here....u turn on the tv...and ur up-to-the minute news revolves around the president's son getting married, a street vendor that looks like jay chow, and maybe a traffic accident....change the channel 50x and it's a mix btwn homeshopping and talk shows with celebrity guests....i guess all the activist energy goes into the political war out here...and...drinking? hehehe...