regression?? or just backlash??

it feels as if the world has not progressed since the 70s.  the atrocities seen in world news shows no sign of technological advances...shows no signs of ethical improvement....shows no sign of improvement in human life...and most importantly shows no relative improvement...1.  how does a flight disappear with no trace of anything?? with no improvements since the last vanishing?  how does a country still get away with laggard "playing dumb" answers?  2.  how does a ferry sink??  how does a ferry sink and just about everyone dies?? 3.  can countries still invade it's neighbor at will??  with all these modern day treaties and spy technologies...don't countries have to be a little more discreet and tactful about their take over demands??  4.  donald's sterlings racist comments are protected first amendment rights that just got caught on tape...but to see blatant racism on the news re-affirms a human regression overall....these aren't natural disasters happening, they're human created instances.  it doesn't help that apocalyptic natural disasters seem to be happening more and more frequent...