korea is fun for koreans. cuz the culture is so specifically geared for them. korea is not foreigner friendly. for a tourist, you have someone taking you around and a set list of places to go, so you just hit the main spots and that's really fun. but on a day to day basis...it's tough. in most of asia, if you can speak english, it's good enough. (in my case i can even speak chinese). in korea, they speak korean and konglish. that's it. so once you get to understand the culture a little and adapt, korea can be really fun as well. koreans will never adapt to you, but are very happy for you to adapt to them. and once they know you are putting in effort to learn, they embrace you.
you're korean to the bone. 한국사람 뼈 속까지
“We’re famous for our chicken feet (닭발) and 'booking',” says Choi Sung-wook, the manager, referring to the Korean term for groups of men foraging for groups of women and vice versa. “Our waiters don’t facilitate the 'booking' -- the customers just do it themselves.”
뼈속까지 한국인.
@petitetokio - u wanna tutor me?
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