come to korea. to visit a chinese guy.

the weather has been amazing.  from the time i got here till now the start of summer, it's been sunny and breezy 15-22-26...dry weather days.  and with the summer will bring visitors.  and it's going to happen, people will come to korea to visit a chinese person.  and this chinese person is going to have to show people around.  and without enough korean to lead the charge, it's a broken slue of referrals and memory recognition that will have to contribute to nights out in asia.  in football we called rain the great equalizer.  in korea, soju is the great equalizer.

hi cat.  nice to meet you jennifer. queen of mapo bbq.  u guys need to get the HECK out of korea because...the longer you stay in this place, the more you care about the one thing koreans only care about.  YOUR LOOKS.  no u don't need surgery, but if u're going to lose sleep over it, get the temporary one.  and for the prices they charge for cosmetic enhancements, while you go buy shoes for 250 USD, i could be coming out with a dimple.  and u see that bag you're holding?  100 dollar worth of socks?  that's just about half a dimple.  

with that said.  hurry up and get the heck out of this country.

한우리 @ 롯에...GOOD!
