bye bye alterna hemp.

"tired" seems to be the staple word i respond to when people ask me how i'm doing.  "u do more than anyone i know in korea."  that's also a line i hear quite often.  and after a weekend of mayhem with my cousin.  i spent today getting a massage, a haircut, shopping, exercising and now i'm home early.

lets talk about this haircut.  its a place in nonhyeon and at 5pm all the room salon girls come to get their hair blown dry.  i come out of there today with a korean hairstyle and wanting to get a perm next time.  good bye alterna hemp.  hello kms paste. (which i've used before btw.)



하루, 압구정 냉모밀




petitetokio said...

that's why you never go to nonhyun for a haircut!