my will as written by a virgin (alexander chin)

Michael: u wanna go ahead and write my will for me?

i've long known that the consequences of my actions would catch
up to me. but i also know that, my presence, the beacon of goodness i
shine on those around me must help make up for a piece of the karma i
may or may not have caused on others....and for that small bit, i am
so for all insurances purposes i hereby write my will prematurely to
safeguard those i care about along with all that i possess physically
and metaphysically...
i'd fiirst like to donate my liver to alex. cuz from one dying liver to another, 2 is still better than one.
my golf clubs i leave to my disciple and long time archnemsis yahoo lee. may the power of my r7 be passed unto the next ONE
there's not much more i own of value. after that. my watch i give to
the naggers that sell bags around the corner from my apt. i hope this
m5 of a watch will make them forever be banned from this street corner
of chinatown.
victor//when are you gonna pick up the damn couch. chung and john du//u
can have my lambda paddle. speakers go to victor perng. my copy of
madden 10 will be bronzed and cemented into the pavement right in front
of 75 grand street. i've already had arrangements for my blackberry to
be sent to pastis for next years presidents day holiday.
and as a final note. to my business partner...i have ordered a stack of
lifetime spirit airline vouchers for you. please burn when cold.
newcomers hoping for a slice of the seems as though the
material items are quick to be swooped up and the empty carcass that
remains holds the remanants of what used to be my dignity. Those greedy
ones who want even that...I hope u rot in hell. And those who are the
ones to have taken my dignity away. I hope u burn in hell. the truth of
the matter is that ones dignity can never be lost. Esp one of strong
korean descent. The intangible of what a korean man leaves behind is
his legacy. His blanket of influence that undeniably has altered the
course of history. That storyline is for each of u to ponder and for me
to bid u farewell with my backhand. Discipline bitches. Peace. -chomo80.

** at this current moment, i do have anything that would be
fitting to be left behind for you dan. however, have faith, as even
with only a few short months left in my window of debauchery, i was
raised too well to not have the "double V = wholesome" item left in my
will. again. have faith. good things come to those who wait. ...