champagne pong. CHAMPONG!

i think it's been 3 years since the last bbq.  it's a bit disconcerting how time flies and yet how easily it is to get right back into the swing of things.  through the years, my house has served as this annual summer retreat for those closest to me via the unyielding bonds of fermented liquids and vulgar conversation.  this time, this casual and friendly mesh of characters was due to miss it's core bunch of characters, aka the heavy hitters (victor hsu, john du, hoan tran and the forever in HK will the thrill lee).  so i didn't expect the day to be that crazy.  boy was i wrong.

we ran out of beer. but we had 2 cases of champange. so hence champ-pong.  one bottle per game.

966935876112_0_ALB by you. 499894876112_0_ALB by you.

ed's korean name is soo young.  so with his new haircut and a feminine name. and the yuhaks thinking he's a korean rapper...we just had to tag his shirt.  michelle thought she was doing a layout for bloomingdales....

738232976406_0_ALB by you.938232976406_0_ALB by you.

6100_206699110463_856365463_7483115_3842619_n by you.6100_206699120463_856365463_7483116_5990011_n by you.

the champagne came with these earings attached to it.....tiff...the champong queen.

IMG00161-20090704-1847 by you.5216_121846748377_809773377_3039891_3617389_n by you.

IMG00164-20090704-1857 by you.5216_121846753377_809773377_3039892_5875193_n by you.

after a loss

5216_121846793377_809773377_3039897_3980050_n by you.