kind of angry at myself...

there's a certain sequence of events that i've taken in the past that in hindsight completely befuddles me as to the kind of person that i had become...and it's so hard to accept the cliche of using it as a learning experience...

i was at cashbox last night and someone was singing a slue of elva songs...and i stared at elva's music video for a bit and thought to myself....alice/alexia??? they totally look alike.

oh yea. i've slept nothing.  nowhere to sleep.  apt is having a "wall" debate.  im exhausted.  it's humid. so i ate.

oh right, another reason im angry at myself.....the boys are in houston this weekend...i love tejas....and I'm MISSING OUT?!@#?!@?!#...I HATE MISSING OUT.....!@##$(@#(@#(@#*$*()!@)#(!@*>.....