1. hard boiled wonderland and the end of the world/sputnik sweetheart

2. wong lee hom - yi sho jian dan de ge.

3. i have a test today.

4. i want your jelly donut....and it kills me that i can't have it =)

5. writers block....can't you tell?

6. "young boys should never be sent to bed - early - they only wake up a day older. before you know it, they're all grown up"

7. whirlpool tangents...

8. "i don't consider itmy job to investigate the expanse of memory called the past and judge what is coorect and what isn't) a mistake."

9."i was too self-centered to cry for other people, too old to cry for myself" - "i consider this to be the third stage of my life"




ALLLGooD said...

Murakami addiction?Hard boiled wonderland was a freakin crazy book!!! Didn't expect to like it so much.Writers block. doesn't look like it to me.Keep rockin

surly_girl said...

oooh did you ever take those pics? =D

Anonymous said...

eating roaches..thanks...killed my appetite for the rest of my life.