monday rainy day reunion

a monday rainy day reunion turned out just how one would expect it to be.  gin martini's and karaoke.  and somewhere in the middle i went to the pharmacy to pick up allergy medicine...and she gave me this cocktail...antihistamines and steroids in case of anaphylactic shock...and a liver pill to counteract it....OTC DRUGS in taiwan.....

黑色的2顆 叫orotomine 抗組織胺 
黃色圓形的 叫meblin 抗組織胺 
白色圓形的 叫 cytadine 抗組織胺
大大顆 咖啡色的 叫procanpen 保護肝臟的
黃色橢圓形 叫preconin 類固醇