baby showers are not for me...

i have good intentions...i really do, but i realize that i can come off quite rude to a bunch of my married friends as i whine and complain about attending baby showers chock full of kids and pregnant wives and mothers and fathers and iced tea and cupcakes and stale conversation.  that's life, that's their life and seriously, i'm happy for them.  that's not my life, and just being wary of my coachella-story-telling-womanizing-zero responsibility- big mouth, i'd like to let my mouth roam free without getting judged, or feeling overly sensitive about being judged...ergo...i should've avoided sundays baby shower and just gone up monday, cooked soup and spent a more intimate day in stamford with 4 kids, one dog, 2 grandparents, a pregnant lady with twins, lewis and myself....

i find solace in the process of making soup.  i like making the stock from scratch and just letting it slowly bowl away.  i like standing around the kitching periodically skimming the fat off the top....i like watching the color of the liquid turn from clear to umami opague....i like tasting the progression of soup....its such a simple process yet the flavours can be so complex.  so much depth from boiling water.  and while the soup was cooking, lewis and i plowed thru 2 bottles of whiskey.  dimitri had to cut us off at the end of the 2nd bottle by hiding the bottle, so i just found 2 beers to chug outside on the balcony.  that was fun.  hehehee.