after weeks on a couch and 100 rmb hotels, sometimes you just need to pay up for silence, your own bed and the comfort of high pressured showers.  unfortunately, without specific instructions, taiwanese travel agents continue to save you money...and i end up in wan chai business hotels.  good enough for myself.  not good enough if...IF!  exactly.  

my biggest qualms about find dining is really just a problem with my personal decibel level. im too loud and i drink too much.  taking those 2 key ingredients away and no matter how good the food is, im struggling to find happiness.  in addition, fine dining usually takes FOREVER!  i had just come back from eating high grade seafood with my cousin the seafood wholeseller and here i am in HK @ Kanizen shabu shabu staying away from their most famous item crab.  all in all it's like taiwans orange shabu, probably with a bit better service, decor and quality....大同小異。  (reason 408 why taiwan is still home). it was quiet on saturday night and i couldn't let loose without drinking. 

but then crystal took me to Upper house- cafe grey on the forty something -ith floor.  trendy, asian but western studied trendy with artists, elitists and khaki and blazered europeans outfitting the bar area.  i feel like i fit right in, cuz i frequent these places, but i most definitely stick out like a sore thumb.  i look more like either a prodigal son or an abc artist, but neither roles done well cuz for the former, my casual jeans don't cost 800 bucks and for the latter im just not thin enough.  however....i have versatility. 

i turn to the right and ask the man next to me..."what is that".  it just so happens that i met peter who owns manspete petroleum.  he's a swiss in his 40s or 50s...typical euro business casual at the bar alone on his way to mongolia to "find oil and then sell the damn company".  he's married to a 26 year old from central asia (tajikistan??)  who looks amazing in pictures and goes to school in barcelona.  they got married in the maldives cuz she wanted it so....splurges in HK and Beijing for finer comforts before venturing into the inner depths of mongolia.  

"bring your wife to mongolia!" - it's negative 30's over there.  and we heard stories of monkey brain eating and being stuck without petrol for hours.  however with double digit gdp and the resource rich land over there, WHEN ELSE AM I EVER GOING TO GET AN INVITE TO MONGOLIA?  I WANT TO FIND OIL AND SELL IT TO THE CHINESE GOV'T TOO!  

i didn't know the maks on wellington was the 2nd one?

flowers of war - zhang yi mou films have always been good with color and scenery.  i've never much enjoyed the storylines and plot...however he is getting BETTER!  this ones gonna win a lot of awards.


st germain.  fun feet.  coffee.




