crunch in sandwiches....

There was a movie with Kevin Kline back in 1992 titled —Dave“. This movie had him impersonate the President of the United States for a cover up from a
scandal. Terrible movie. Made me angry that I paid to go see it.
During the same time back in the 90‘s I was discovering my love of making and then eating good sandwiches. There was a scene in the movie where
Kline‘s character was in the White House kitchen making a sandwich for the first lady and himself. Here is where he gave a piece of knowledge that I
would never forget. In the middle of giving a play-by-play commentary on his construction of the sandwich, he laid sliced carrots in the middle and said;
—every sandwich in order to be a great sandwich needs to have crunch.“ —CRUNCH!“ Who knew?!?
So that‘s what I did. I went home and made a sandwich with sliced carrots in it and it was one of the tastiest things that I have ever tasted to that point in
my life. Now, that didn‘t mean that all of the other sandwiches that I had made up until that point were no good or a waste of my sandwich making
existence. No. It also didn‘t mean that I should forget all that I knew about making a sandwich and just keep this new way. It just meant that I had found a
more fulfilling and different way to make one. I then discovered that carrots were not the only thing that provided crunch. Sometimes I use field cucum-
bers, peppers, crispy lettuce or pickles. Till this day I always make a sandwich with —crunch“. Come by one day and I‘ll make you one.
This sums up where I am in my views and thoughts with Christianity and the Church today.
I have found an element of —Crunch“. I consider myself blessed and humbled by the Church and Christian School upbringing and learning that I have had
through my journey. This has guided me and made me who I am today. I have discovered and am starting to see that there is a different way (I won‘t say
—new“ because it isn‘t. Jesus has the trademark on this one) in communicating the life changing story of Christ. It‘s in going out and not staying in. It‘s
journeying along side and not from a distance. It‘s in taking risks and not in the calculated safe answer. It‘s letting go and holding on. It is loving God and
loving others. Obedience and service. Loving and living it (Mathew 22:37-40) . Sounds basic? Exactly.
I am constantly reminded of the difficulty in this when trials and confusion come my way with the choice of ”live for God‘ and —love others“ or —don‘t“
staring me right in my face. Choosing to do this isn‘t always easy when I‘m tired, frustrated, broke, busy, or wanting things to be quiet. But when I do
choose to live and love, neat things always happens. I get a chance to witness this when the school contacts me and asks me to help —find“ money for a
family in need of heat and hydro. I get a chance when I see youth who would are bored during march break be blessed by free activities and have a place
to be. I get a chance to see this when a youth bangs on our door needing to talk because they don‘t want to commit suicide in the next 10 minutes. I pray
for wisdom and discernment in the chances that I do take. Ask for forgiveness for the ones missed. And look forward to the ones to come.
How‘s your sandwich tasting? Need‘s some crunch? Enjoy the process of —experimenting with sandwiches“ and journeying new paths with God