
im completely still juiced up feeling like beavis' hyperglycemic rants....can't sleep but still functioning but i can feel zombie-dom knocking at the door....hopefully it'll happen when im on the plane...


in other news....when i was in ny...all i ever wanted to do with the lops was to travel, go to events, roadtrip, and NOTHING EVER MATERIALIZED....why? this point, who cares just never happened....and i actually ended up doing these things on my own or with other non-immediate groups of friends.....which really ended up being an blast regardless....but man....we could have had dulicious' "funny ball reunion" 4 years ago....hahah..and if we all ended up in vegas....she gotta toite body wouldn't just be hoan....and we could have even gone to see the saigon bridge without going to the endless possibilities....and so of course now, a scenario where everyone is single and im overseas.....THE HOMOS ARE GOING CAMPING....and im missing out....hyperglycemic rant part 2!!!!.....shieet....mother effing a.

one for the homies....please.


moemoe185 said...

aww. they're going camping?!