finally....back home and drinking a pelligrino...

so many things i forgot about many things i forgot that i owned (gp ionic breeze)....

5 days in HK....only one night out and what a night it was......

ran into owen and christine on the street......

grace came out with a new muscle bound madness boyfriend....and....happy birthday to jason chew

will ran behind the bar for a portion of the night...

no pictures of timmie at all.....this could be why....

meet candy (who i might add just returned from thailand and spent the entire night raving about the thai male sex shows - penis bongos and peinists were her favorites)...unfortunately her sister suki didn't come out....






DroppingPennies said...

How do you know christine and susan?? I went to HS with those girls. 
Small world

lilmei117 said...

welcome back. i'll see you this weekend, at which point you will probably haze cho so bad i'll have to throw him over my shoulder and carry him home.

ap2167 said...

random prpz/ cool blog! do you post pictures here from flickr? .....cheers

moemoe185 said...

where have you been??

tonichic said...

your pix are always blurrrrrred.....cuz ur always drunkkkkkkkkkkkkkk...hahaha cheers to that!