shark fin whiskers......

Nurse sharkNURSE SHARK
Ginglymostoma cirratum

The nurse shark is a large, sluggish, bottom-dwelling shark that is generally harmless unless provoked. It has very strong jaws, a stout body, and a wide head with obvious barbels (thin, fleshy, whisker-like organs on the lower jaw in front of the nostrils that sense touch and taste). The fourth and fifth gill slits are very close together. The dorsal fins (on the shark's back) are almost the same size and are rounded. Behind each eye there is a spiracle, an organ that takes in water used for breathing when the shark rests at the bottom.


Anonymous said...

i moved over to bpc.  studio. 

Anonymous said...

HAHA....very funny, mister!!!!

judaecious said...

haha OK Alex i know what the things in the soup are now...not shark whiskers but the fins...the thin, fleshy, WHISKER-LIKE organs...YES.  i get it. haha i feel embarrassed but i'm also sure there are other people who don't know thier shark anatomy or whatever as well as you do. Actually that doesn't matter cause i just realized thats its called Shark FIN soup. Son of a bee sting!!